The Loquax Competitions FAQ

Over the years we've been asked many questions about online competitions. So below is everything we think you might need to know. From "how to enter" to "why am I not winning" we've hopefully provided enough information to assist you. As Loquax has expanded since we launched in 1998 you'll also find links to help pages for win a house competitions and online bingo. Let's be clear though we (Jason & Kirsty) can run a decent competition website but we're not comping experts, professionals, kings or queens. However we do think our advice should help.

To use the FAQ simply look through the list of popular questions that we're asked and follow the links. You'll either end up on a page answering the question or in a section of Loquax which will provide more information about the subject. If there's anything below that we've missed or if you have question we've not answered then do get in touch. You might also want to check out some of the links below as these guides may also assist you.

All About Comping & Competitions

All About Win A House Competitions

More Comping Help

You can always learn more about comping by reading other guides. Super Lucky and MSE both have comprehensive guides to comping and in those you may well pick up extra hints and tips.

In addition there are a number of comping books that you could take a look at plus numerous comping groups (online and offline) that are also worth seeking out.
