Pay To Enter Prize Draws & Skill Competitions

In recent years we've seen an increase in the number of pay to enter prize draw sites such as Raffall, McKinney Competitions, Bounty Competitions and countless others. At these kind of sites entrants have to purchase tickets for the chance to win cars, holidays and other lifestyle items. Unlike a free prize draw, which can attract unlimited entries, pay to enter competitions will usually limit the number of entries. This is how they are sometimes referenced as raffles which can lead to some confusion. But are these competitions safe and should you consider entering them? Can you enter them for free? Following on from our win a house listings we've decided to apply the same approach to pay to enter sites. We'll be looking at the best sites that are available, the prizes you can win, the entry process and most importantly whether you can trust them.

28 Competition Site Reviews

Order By: Open Competition Sites, Date Added, Closed, Free Entry, Skill Required, Spot The Ball
Related: Raffles FAQ, Win A House, Watch Competitions, Lego Competitions, Guitar Competitions, Loquax Blog

Submit Your Competition Site For Review

If you've run a low odds, pay to enter, competition site and want to be featured in this review section on Loquax then please get in touch. Affiliate partnership options are also available. We do allow some posts to our competition listings but only within specific guidelines and limitations. The reviews and information here is provided for reference only.
