Latest Lottery Results & Winning Numbers
Everyone wants to know if they're a winner of the lottery - so we've put together the latest lottery results for the most popular games. Each week we'll be updating the results and also providing some information about how much you could have won had you placed a bet or if you'd used another gaming service. For each lottery we show you the results from the last three weeks - here's hoping that you've been lucky. Please note all results are provided "as is" for information purposes only. We take no responsibility if by a stroke of bad luck our lucky duckies have made a mistake and it appears you have won when you haven't. You should finalise all results with the lottery company or bookmaker where you're playing.
Irish & European Lottos
Irish LotteryIrish Lotto Plus 1
Irish Lotto Plus 2
Daily Millions
French Lottery
German Lottery
Spanish Lottery
El Gordo
Rest Of The World
Australian LotteryCanadian Lottery
New York Lottery
Powerball Lottery
South Africa Lottery
Lottery Statistics & Popular Numbers
Everyone loves a good statistic, so we've put our lucky ducks to work to crunch out some numbers regarding the UK Lottery, Spanish Lottery and others. They've been busy figuring out the hot and cold numbers as well as delving further into the data to determine lotto stats to show which doubles, triples and quaruples frequently occur.
Numbers are provided "as is" for information purposes only. It goes without saying that Loquax does not run the lotteries and has no influence on the outcome. Apologies for any errors made in the listings - we endeavour to provide accurate details, but occasionally mistakes are made. Please contact the site where you played the lottery for winnings etc.