Win A House Platforms - Success Rates & Stats

In the past most win a house competitions ran on their own bespoke platforms. These were often run by individuals looking to sell their house via a novel route. However as the sector has developed individuals running property draws have been replaced by platforms like Omaze, Tramway Path and others. More recently pay to enter sites like Bounty and Elite have also entered the sector, using their engaged audiences to giveaway property, sometimes incredibly quickly. Below is a list of the stats and success rates of many platforms that have featured in our win a house section over the years.

Elite Competitions

Total Competitions: 10 Open Competitions: 1 Home Winners: 10 Cash Winners/Closed: 0 Success Rate: 100%

Elite Competitions are a well established pay to enter prize draw platform and have even featured on Dragon's Den. They have run several win a house competitions for properties mainly located in the North West and all prizes are guaranteed. At the end of 2024 Elite Competitions ran the cheapest ever win a house competition with tickets at just 29p each (it sold out) and they then followed that up with a 9p a ticket promotion! Entrants can use the discount code 'loquax' at checkout for a 10% discount on all prize draws.

Raffle House

Total Competitions: 16 Open Competitions: 1 Home Winners: 1 Cash Winners/Closed: 15 Success Rate: 6%

Raffle House have been part of the win a house sector since 2018. They have tried various formats for their competitions and for a while also ran Lifestyle Prize giveaways although they're now more closely following the Omaze subscription model. Many of their prize draws have resulted in cash winners but the company have been less than transparent with respect to how much was paid out.


Total Competitions: 129 Open Competitions: 8 Home Winners: 17 Cash Winners/Closed: 112 Success Rate: 13%

Raffall is a raffle platform that allows users to quickly set-up and run their own pay to enter prize draws. The advantage of Raffall over many other sites is that it's free to set-up a giveaway. The disadvantage is that if the competition doesn't sell enough tickets then the owner usually gets nothing and could end up out of pocket if they've invested in marketing. In 2020 Dale Tate became the first person to successfully conclude a property giveaway on Raffall and many others have followed with mixed results.

Bounty Competitions

Total Competitions: 19 Open Competitions: 0 Home Winners: 19 Cash Winners/Closed: 0 Success Rate: 100%

Bounty Competitions are an established pay to enter prize draw site. They usually feature cash, cars and lifestyle prizes but have also successfully given away a number of properties. They even managed to sell out and create a property winner in around 24 hours! All their prizes are guaranteed to be given away and most property draws will offer a cash alternative.

Tramway Path

Total Competitions: 12 Open Competitions: 0 Home Winners: 12 Cash Winners/Closed: 0 Success Rate: 100%

Set up by Daniel Twenefour in 2020, Tramway Path has been one of the most successful house competition platforms. Every round has created a property winner and recently the Twenefour Brothers ran their first property prize draw in Ghana. They have even featured in a Channel 4 Documentary. After initially offering fixed property prizes they now offer a cash prize, usually £500,000, that the winner can use to purchase a home of their choice.

Omaze - Guaranteed House Winners

Total Competitions: 36 Open Competitions: 2 Home Winners: 36 Cash Winners/Closed: 0 Success Rate: 100%

Omaze are a huge worldwide fund raising for charity company. They're well known for offering "money can't buy" prizes. They became well known in The UK during 2020 when they launched their first house competition. Unusually for this kind of promotion Omaze guaranteed that the property would be won regardless of ticket sales. This guarantee is also on their other UK home contests. Individuals can't sign up to raffle their own houses with Omaze.

McKinney Competitions

Total Competitions: 30 Open Competitions: 1 Home Winners: 30 Cash Winners/Closed: 0 Success Rate: 100%

McKinney Competitions is an established raffle site based in Ireland. It's well known for giving away cars and large cash prizes. Like Elite Competitions, Bounty Competitions and Bear Competitions it has successfully completed several house prize draws. This is despite a hefty price tag when it comes to the entry fee on some promotions. Some draws below have the same prize and that's because in previous competitions - whilst enough tickets have sold - the winner has opted to take the available cash alternative.

FrogHopping - Closed

Total Competitions: 11 Open Competitions: 0 Home Winners: 0 Cash Winners/Closed: 11 Success Rate: 0%

Launched in 2021 FrogHopping is a new site from Zelar Investments Ltd. The site is well designed and provides a lot of detail about the properties on offer. It does feel a bit cold though as it lacks the human story aspect that Raffall sometimes can have. Despite promising much this site has failed to deliver and from October 2021 dropped ticket prices from £20 to £1 in a desperate attempt to generate sales.

Raffique - Closed

Total Competitions: 5 Open Competitions: 0 Home Winners: 0 Cash Winners/Closed: 5 Success Rate: 0%

Raffique was set up as an alternative to Raffall by the host of Win A Forest Side Home and business partner. Users could list their own prizes, including property, and run their own prize draws. Sadly the platform struggled to gain traction and even withdrew their second attempt to giveaway Forest Side Home. A couple of other draws didn't generate much interest either and the platform closed.

Prize Villas - Closed

Total Competitions: 2 Open Competitions: 0 Home Winners: 0 Cash Winners/Closed: 2 Success Rate: 0%

Launched in 2020 Prize Villas offered a new way to sell your holiday home. It's aim was to be similar to Raffall and provide a safe and secure platform for home owners to giveaway their property. It was owned by McMark Enter Prizes Ltd so all competitions were under UK law. Initially we thought that the site was only for property in Spain, but it also featured homes in Italy. The platform closed in 2021.

Cwellyn Dream - Closed

Total Competitions: 2 Open Competitions: 0 Home Winners: 1 Cash Winners/Closed: 1 Success Rate: 50%

When the owners of Cwellyn Dream in North Wales put their property up as a competition prize they probably didn't expect to end up helping others do the same. However the first Cwellyn Dream competition was a model of transparency and so well executed that it was good to see their expertise in a sector dogged by poor competition management. Sadly their second draw didn't conclude with a house winner and the platform closed. In 2024 the owners launched a pay to enter site called Revvl but this closed down after a few months.

Win Your Dream - Closed

Total Competitions: 4 Open Competitions: 0 Home Winners: 2 Cash Winners/Closed: 2 Success Rate: 50%

In many ways Win A Country Home from Mike Chatha can be credited with kicking off the Win A House sector's impressive property winning run of 2020. With the country in lockdown the chance of winning Shrubbery Farm in Shrewsbury proved to be tempting to entrants. The success of this competition sparked Chatha into running further competitions under Win A Country Home and Win Your Dream with mixed success. We have combined the stats for both sites.

Win My Dream Home - Closed

Total Competitions: 2 Open Competitions: 0 Home Winners: 0 Cash Winners/Closed: 2 Success Rate: 0%

Launched in 2019, Win My Dream Home from Misuma Ltd was set up to make entering property competitions easy plus help raise funds for Great Ormond Street Hospital Charity. Like Cwellyn Dream and Tramway Path it ran one house contest at a time. Despite having really good transparency the company didn't manage to giveaway a house. Their platform turned to cash prize draws and has long since closed.

Visit Central Italy - Closed

Total Competitions: 1 Open Competitions: 0 Home Winners: 1 Cash Winners/Closed: 0 Success Rate: 100%

Visit Central Italy launched their first property competition at the start of 2020 and went on to add further competitions although the locations are not exclusively Italy. The site was run by a UK company that also listed properties for sale. The properties that are listed as contests seem to be chosen from the for sale listings. The whole set-up was poor and lacked transparency. Thankfully this platform has now closed.
