A Review Of SuperLucky Secrets

Di Coke

A Review Of SuperLucky Secrets

I first started taking an interest in competitions in 1997. Back then the only books I remember being available on “how to win competitions” were all about tiebreakers. Fast forward to 2015 and a quick search on Amazon for books on “how to win competitions” reveals quite slim pickings. The guides that are available on first glance don’t seem to be up to scratch and most certainly don’t cover the many aspects of comping in the social media age.

SuperLucky Secrets

Last week, Di Coke – aka SuperLucky – released her ebook titled “SuperLucky Secrets – 100 Tips For Winning Competitions, Contests & Sweepstakes“. Di is described on the front cover as The UK’s Competition Queen. Now “Competition Queen” is a term I dislike as much as “Professional Comper” but it’s great for marketing purposes. And let’s face it, Di is most certainly one of the most well known compers around due to her blog, writing for Compers News, newspaper/magazine articles and TV appearances. If anyone was going to write a book on comping today it was going to be Di. The book covers the whole spectrum of comping. From getting started, organising yourself, finding comps online, tips for entering, tips for winning, useful tools, finding out if you’ve won, staying motivated and things to avoid. The sections are well organised, easy to read and it’s good for dipping in and out of as the mood takes you. It’s not a book you’d sit down and read from cover to cover and instantly become an expert – that is acknowledged in the introduction. Think of it more as a reference to helping you get the most from the hobby. Interspersed throughout the book are snippets from actual compers giving their views and sharing their wins. These are great to read and add inspiration from other quarters.

Get Rich Quick

So is this a “get rich guide” or a book about how to become a professional comper? The answer is no. The tone is set within the introduction when the reader is told “remember that comping is a hobby, and the prizes are a bonus“. It’s also made quite clear that a bit of effort may be needed from the reader – especially if you get involved in the creative side of things. A lot of compers are happy filling in forms, liking/sharing or tweeting – however there’s more to the hobby than just those areas. The book covers that and has segments on radio comps, TV shows and purchase neccessary giveaways. There are also plenty of tips for comping online and via social media – from regraming on Instagram, tweeting on Twitter and pinning on Pinterest. No stone seems to have been left unturned when it comes to giving the reader options where to try and find prizes and enter competitions. The book isn’t just about how and where you can enter – it’s full of good tips and advice about creating your entry, being organised and thinking ahead of the game.

Can’t You Get All This Info For Free?

I’ve seen a few comments in the comping community about the book. Yes it’s quite possible to get a lot of the information in SuperLucky Secrets for free on various comping websites or via forums. There are also probably other compers out there who are much more successful than Di or who have done well from prize draws, tweeting, Facebook etc. However no one else has put all this information together and made it easy to read and understand. As someone who enjoys photography I can get free help from a lot of sources – but I still have a few books to reference back to regularly. Why should comping be different to other hobbies and not have a good reference guide? Because quite simply this is what the book is – a really good reference point for beginners and advanced compers alike. The downside to all this though is that it does cost £9.99! For an ebook that’s quite pricey. However if you’re willing to pay almost a tenner for the book then the likelihood is that you’re going to make full use of it. One small win would probably cover the cost anyway. Personally I’d rather buy this book and then go and use a free website than spend £40/£50 on subscription services which offer less for compers than Loquax.

Hit Or Miss?

I’ve been in and around comping for a long time now and for me this is the best book I’ve seen for compers. It doesn’t claim to change your life, it’s not full of tiebreakers or rhyming words, it’s not an autobiography of comping achievements, it’s not a get rich quick scheme and it’s not something slap dashed together in word and uploaded to Amazon (that pretty much critiques most other books). There are genuinely useful hints and advice in the book – but it’s up to the reader to implement them and take them aboard. For £9.99 I’d like an actual printed book (this is something that Di is now looking into) and I’d love to see the “Comping Queen” bit changed. I’d also like Google to be referred to as Google.co.uk and not .com as search results can sometimes differ between the two due to geolocation settings. However those minor points aside Di has done a fantastic job. Her enthusiasm for the hobby is obvious throughout the book and that’s probably why she’s produced a very good comprehensive guide to comping!


We have not been paid for this review nor are we being paid commission on referrals etc (just to be clear no money is involved). Loquax offered to review the book and Di supplied us with a copy. The review is a personal opinion and if you disagree then that’s fine. If you have a comment then please post below. If you’d like to discuss the review then feel free to email me.


Targeting Low Entry Competitions

“I’m not winning”, “I never win” and “I never have much luck” are all phrases you hear in comping circles. If there are