Keep midday free on the 3rd October 2012 and make sure you’re logged on to Twitter! Why? Well you could end up with a brand new car thanks to Auto Trader! The UK’s number one marketplace to sell new and used cars will be hosting a ‘New Car Drop’ stunt – where they’ll be suspending a brand new SEAT Mii 35 metres over London’s South Bank and giving it away, all through the power of Twitter! As the event unfolds only the most creative and entertaining tweets will coax and charm the car into the hands of one lucky winner.
Let Me Win
Hopefully that will deter any one posting loads of ‘let me win’ type tweets or spamming the competition. We’ve no idea how many tweets it will take for the car to be given away – or how Auto Trader will pick their winners, but with a car on offer this will no doubt attract a lot of Twitter attention! To follow the fun and to get involved, search #winMiiwithAT from midday Wednesday 3rd October to check out the tweets. Tweeters who help to lower the car will also have a chance to win one of 35 mystery spot prizes – in celebration of Auto Trader’s 35 year automotive heritage. Prizes range from an iPad, to petrol vouchers and fluffy dice.
Watch The Drop
If you’re in London on the day then get yourself involved by heading down to see the event live! Potter’s Field Park on the South Bank will be home to a number of attractions during the competition, a 3D artwork giving the illusion that the car is being lifted out of the ground has been created and members of the public can get up close and snap a photo with the car. For more details keep an eye on Auto Trader and @AutoTrader_UK. We hope that it will be an enjoyable competition for all participating – and wouldn’t it be great if a Loquax user was the person to win a brand new car?