2021 has seen almost as many property raffles launched as in 2020. Last year saw 25 of the 92 competitions launched result in a property winner however in 2021 we’re only on 11 winners, although there are a few competition still running. Of the last 20 competitions to close two have created property winners – one a Raffall hosted giveaway for Arranmore Island House and the other being McKinney Competitions Portgual Villa. The latter was hosted on a dedicated raffle site and offered tickets at almost £100 a shot! The rest haven’t come close to and sadly the current trend isn’t good news for hosts and promoters.
“Due To Slow Participation”
This morning we received notification from the hosts of Win A Family Home that they were pulling their competition. On their website they explain that the cancellation was “due to very slow participation/uptake”. All tickets will be refunded and that process is already underway. Whilst the hosts are sad about the situation they shouldn’t be too down beat. Times are hard in the property raffle market. Some have spectacularly failed. Blackpool Guest House sold under 400 tickets; Win A Manchester Flat sold 1960 and Coulsdon Townhouse managed just 2117 sales on their second attempt to raffle their property. Win Kensington House and House Competition faired better in the sales stakes but were still massively short of their targets.
Cancelled Competitions
The hosts of Win A Family Home at least have been honest and upfront about their efforts. Which is more than can be said for Cathedral Competitions. This new raffle site offered a stunning home as a prize and even got some ex-Gogglebox stars in to do promotion. They even made bold claims that tickets were selling like hot cakes and half had already gone. Yet as we and others noticed the sales numbers in the website code told a different story. Anyway after a couple of weeks of payment gateway issues and suspended competitions the site is now back active but without the property giveaway. There’s also no information about it or refunds. However we do understand the few people who bought tickets will get their money back. Overall this wasn’t a well run competition.
Fewer New Competitions
Although there have 90 competitions launched in 2021 compared to 2020’s 92 we’ve noticed that there are now fewer new additions. New property raffles on Raffall for example have been limited, especially when it comes to UK homes. This may well be because people are finding it easier to sell their homes the more conventional way or it’s becoming increasingly evident that the raffle process isn’t a quick and easy pathway to riches. In fact it can be an expensive exercise. Few hosts, especially on Raffall, understand that they have to do their own marketing and publicity. They may need to spend a lot of money to try and get the ball rolling on sales but then there’s no guarantee of success. Risking money becomes even harder when you see recent results!
Second Time Lucky
Some hosts hold on to the idea they can make the mechanic work but as mentioned above Coulsdon House struggled with their second attempt. They chose to go it alone and did well to sell over 2000 tickets at £15 each. They’re not the only hosts to give it another go. Forest Side Home who initially tried on Raffall but are now on their own platform, Raffique, unfortunately they seem to be struggling to get traction as less than 1000 tickets have sold. This isn’t the first property on the Raffique platform. Anne and Bobby Ronson initially chose it for their 2 Bed Village Home but then switched to FrogHopping. Win A Gainsborough House have also opted for the fledgling platform, after failing to giveaway the property on Raffall, but we’ve seen little to suggest that there’s going to be any successful outcomes.
So What Does The Future Hold?
It’s safe to say that it’s not been a great few months for win a house competitions but are there any bright lights shining? Well yes! Omaze are still running their guaranteed property prize draws to help support charities. They currently have three competitions with stunning properties in Wimbledon, Ascot and Devon to be won. Tramway Path have launched their fourth competition and with a 100% success rate the Twenefour brothers will be hoping for more success. With a portfolio of three apartments in Bristol to be won we think this should do well! And perhaps this is where the future of house raffles lies? Sites such as Omaze, Tramway Path etc know how to get tickets sold. They have the experience and, at least in Omaze’s case, the money. Raffall should be in a similar position but hosts are always going to struggle if they need to pay a fortune for marketing.