Madvent Competition Season Is Underway!

Advent Competitions

Madvent Competition Season Is Underway!

Tortoises have the right idea! They get put in a nice warm box, get a bit of food and then sleep… sleep until it’s warm and ready to wake up again in the Spring. On 29th November 2013 Loquax will begin hibernating – we’ll come out again once all the advents, 12 Days of Christmas, Pass the Parcels, Cracker Pulling and anything remotely daily and festive has long gone away!

We’re only kidding of course, all being well we’ll insanely be back again in 12 months time to do all again…. but after the last few days it’s a nice idea!! Madvent Season actually started for us a week or so before the 1st December when the first comps started to come in. On Saturday and then Monday more and more and more and more advent comps turned up! We’re sure there are probably more out there but hopefully we’ve picked up all the best ones. If you think we’ve missed any then do let us know. Now who said they’d be less than last year!!!

A Big Thank You

First off a big thank you to those users who have helped out by telling us about advents. Finding and listing that many comps isn’t an easy task so their input has been really appreciated. Unfortunately we know some of you have been experiencing issues with Loquax during the busy evening period. We’ve been working with our ISP to resolve things and we share your frustrations. Basically our traffic has doubled overnight and that’s caused us a few unexpected problems. Things are being monitored each evening so hopefully things will settle down. Keep an eye on our Facebook and Twitter pages for any updates regarding the servers.

Keep The Advent Pages Open

We do advise though that you try and keep the Loquax Advent Pages open in your browser (i.e. don’t close them down – when you leave your PC for a period of time). This means you can work your way through the advents without having to reload the page if we’re having issues. Just keep an eye on the tracker though – it should be ok. If all that wasn’t enough to keep us busy you’ll hopefully have noticed that the site has been being updated as usual. We know some compers don’t much fancy the advents so we’re trying to make sure you guys are up to date too. Again thanks to those users who selflessly get involved and help out telling us about new comps.

We Want To Hibernate

So it’s now fingers crossed for a working server, a few less advents turning up, some nice wins for you and a little bit of much needed peace for a very tired (and still bug infested) Loquax. You can probably understand why hibernation sounds a good plan for next year!! By the way, did we mention we’re free to use ;o)
