Competitions News

This section pretty much covers anything and everything to do with comping. From on-pack promotions through to new sites, win a house giveaways and pay to enter prize draws. We also include a few tips and highlight issues that compers need to be aware of whilst entering online competitions.

Popular Sections: Comping Tips, Scams, On Pack Competitions, Automated EntriesBe On TV, Compers In The News, Competition Sites


How To Spot Fake Competitions On Facebook

Facebook has played a massive role in changing how competitions work online. However, one thing they’ve not been good at it stopping fake competitions manifesting themselves across the network. Most regular compers will probably already

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A Kind Of Comping News Update

We thought it was high time to do another blog update. There are a few things that we’ve spotted in and around the comping world and Loquax that deserve a mention, but perhaps don’t warrant

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