The Loquax Advent Competitions Guide!

Advent Competitions

The Loquax Advent Competitions Guide!

The start of any month in the comping world brings a bundle of new competitions, but the start of December is a little bit more exciting for compers as it brings the advent competitions!
These are usually one day only competitions that run until the Christmas Day (they run through advent, hence advent competitions.. clever eh?)! Instead of opening a door to your traditional advent calendar, you open virtual doors for the chance to win prizes! In past years there has been between 60 to 80 daily entry competitions running during advent, on top of the usual competitions, so it can be a very hectic time! Therefore you need to be organised…

Where Can I Find Advent Competitions?

As ever Loquax provides a nice list of advent competitions. It will be live on December 1st, but don’t expect to turn up at 12.05am to find every advent competition immediately listed. We already know about some, but quite often a fully comprehensive list isn’t sorted until the afternoon or early evening.

Are Loquax Running An Advent Competition?

Yes we are, and you can catch a sneak preview of our new calendar above. It will be live on December 1st and as we know you’re busy we’ve made entering even easier this year. One click and you’re in the draw! The prizes this year are Loquax Mugs.

Some Advent Calendar Competitions Look The Same!

Every year run a series of advent calendar competitions on a number of sites (e.g. Tiscali, Lycos). The calendars are all the same, but as far as we know you can enter at each site as each has it’s own set of prizes. We’ll indicate on our advent list which ones are run by (if they’re running this year).

What About Local Radio Competitions?

Last year some people missed out on prizes because they entered local radio advent competitions. These, we believe, were run by EMAP. The best advice is enter competitions for your local radio station only.

Don’t Forget The Bingo Advents!

A new advent competition element in 2006 was the number of bingo site advent competitions. You may have to play bingo to take part in these competitions, but like all competitions if you have the time they are worth a go. You can pick up bingo bonuses so you may be able to take part in these competitions without spending any money!

Which Advents Should I Enter?

Well, if time is short then the best advent competition to enter is ours!

Any Other Advice?

Advent competitions can be fun, but don’t get too bogged down entering them, especially not at the expense of your usual comping. Some advent competitions (e.g. GMTV in previous years) can be entered after December 24th so you can save them for another day. Pick and choose (like other competitions) which sites you want to visit, rather than try and do them all. Advent competitions are a lot of fun, and there are loads of prizes up for grabs – but remember that they’re just another competition – you might win, you might not! Also it’s worth noting that by mid-December entry levels tend to fall, as people head off to parties, pack up work/college for December or just get fed up with them altogether.
