What Kind Of Comping Athlete Are You?

What Kind Of Comping Athlete Are You?

As The Olympics are about to kick off we thought we’d have a bit of fun on the blog and come up with some comper categories. Basically we’ve picked some of the events taking place during London 2012 and assigned them to the comping community.

Track Racers

100m Sprinters: If you like your comping in the “instant win” style then you’re perfect for this event. You make your entry and then it’s all over in a few seconds so you know if you’ve won or lost.

110m Hurdlers: Some instant win fans like the challenge of a game or having to go and make a purchase. Once those hurdles have been overcome they can quickly find out if they’ve won a prize.

200m Sprinters: This is the event for compers who leave things to the last minute and then have a mad dash to the post box or website to make their entries. Those who like to cut it really fine may want to try the 100m and mix it up with the instant winners!

Marathon: 26miles of running is nothing compared to the long grueling sessions of comping undertaken by compers in this category. They’ll login at breakfast and logout at bedtime as they battle various competitions and entry forms. These are tough athletes as they usually start again the next day!


10m Platform Divers: Without the finesse and skimpy trunks of Tom Daley, these compers jump right in without worrying what’s below. They forget to check the terms and are happy to enter anything and everything that comes their way!
Syncronised Swimming: This category is for the likers and sharers on Facebook. With grace and beauty they work in perfect unison posting, liking and sharing – even on comps where they don’t have to do it! Some people aren’t big fans of this event!

A Little Bit Different

Greco-Roman Wrestling: Yes it’s an event at The Olympics. These compers are the ones who like to find the obscure competitions and see if they can wrestle (see what we did there) the prizes their way. They’re quite secretive and are usually found on the winning podium after the event!

Cycling Sprint: In cycling competitors go round the track a few times before making a mad sprint for the finishing line. In comping the sprint cyclists are the ones who dilly and dally all day on Facebook/Twitter/Forums and then remember that they’ve not got much time left to do their entries. There’s then a mad dash to cram as many comps in as possible.

Modern Pentathlon: This is where you’ll find the creative compers. They’ve got their cameras, their camcorders, their props, their ideas and even their children all combining to generate entries for those lower entry comps.

Decathlon/Heptahlon: In The Olympics, athletes try and reach perfection in 7 or 10 events. In the comping world, compers in this category are trying their best to do a mixture of online entries, postcards, text entries, tv entries, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, radio comps, magazines and creative comps!

Now remember this is all a bit of fun as we jump on the old summer of sport bandwagon!! If you have any suggestions for other sports or perhaps you have an idea for a “Compers Olympics” event then leave a comment below.


Targeting Low Entry Competitions

“I’m not winning”, “I never win” and “I never have much luck” are all phrases you hear in comping circles. If there are