Why Don’t Some Raffle Sites Want Compers?


Why Don’t Some Raffle Sites Want Compers?

Every now and then we come across a brand or site that gets the hump with compers and we’ve covered those issues numerous times over the years. However what we didn’t expect is the polarisation of views on compers that occurs from pay to enter prize draw sites – also known as raffle sites. If we assume that these kind of sites are here to stay then it makes sense, at least in theory, that people who enjoy trying to win prizes may actually be interested in these kind of sites. However we also know that many compers – and indeed this site owner – view some of these pay to enter brands with concern. Are they running competitions fairly? Are they just a quick money making scam? Are the prizes just going to family and friends? Are the prizes actually being awarded? Big sites such as 7 Days Performance, Elite Competitions and Bounty Competitions are very keen on transparency and fairness yet there are numerous smaller sites that tick along in this sector under the radar. The use of free prize draws has changed that in some respects. Loquax users have been sharing links to pay to enter prize draw brands whilst siteowners have also been posting. Those that who post obviously understand that Loquax acts as a free advertising source, but unfortunately a few owners from sites that have been shared by users – and their own visitors – are a little bit precious.

“My Free Giveaways Are For Customers”

You’d have thought that sites needing to atrract users to potentially enter their pay to enter prize draws would find a site like Loquax useful, but that’s not always the case. It’s often thought that free prize draws are simply an advertising mechanic to bring in new visitors and potential customers. However some raffle sites like to run them as a way of thanking their user base and/or as a reward. The latter has cropped up a few times in communications we’ve had. For example one site owner told us that the “purpose of my free giveaways is to give back to customers who have supported and helped to build my business” and that “it doesn’t sit right with me for outsiders to then be offered the opportunity to offer zero support, and to potentially take away a prize from the community whom have provided vital loyalty”. Rewarding customers is fine and we fully understand the reasoning. We run a weekly prize draw that’s only for users who contribute to the site. Only those who contribute get to take part. Another issue that’s cropped up is the type of prizes on offer. Sites like Bounty, Elite and Jammy are quite eclectic when it comes to the prizes they offer – houses, cars, tech and cash are amongst their main giveaways. However other sites are pretty niche! You can find pay to enter prize draw sites that focus on Lego, Gaming, Agriculture, Farming etc. Interestingly two sites that have asked to be removed from our listings were fishing orientated. But compers aren’t limited to their interests. A comper can be keen on fishing or an AFOL (adult fan of Lego).

What Blocking Compers Says To Us

One of the biggest issues, at least in our view, with the pay to enter competitions sector is trustworthiness and transparency. Remember this is an unregulated sector and as we’ve already demonstrated it’s open to abuse by at least one siteowner. In our view a free prize draw is a useful tool to bring in new visitors and show them how you run your giveaways, how you pick winners and therefore demonstrate trustworthiness. Users with a good experience will share that information with other compers and that may well result in paying customers. Of course it might not but if you’re a shop owner you don’t close the door on people before they’ve even stepped inside your premises because you’ve judged them. By deciding you don’t want people who like entering competitions entering your competition the first thing we’re thinking is you’re hiding something. You’re obviously not following the rules stipulated by your own terms and conditions so that makes you untrustworthy. If you’re doing that on a free draw then maybe you’re not running the paid draws fairly? All pay to enter prize draw sites offer a no purchase necessary postal route. This may be used by compers so if you don’t like compers then maybe you’re not processing NPN entries fairly? We appreciate that NPN winners aren’t good for business but they are the CAP rules and should be followed. The more we see sites apparently flaunting CAP rules the more we want to see this sector properly licensed and regulated.

Solving The Who Can Enter Issue?

This blog post isn’t about chastising a few sites but trying to be helpful as there’s synergy between Loquax and the pay to enter sector. So here’s a few ideas and tips for free. The following applies not just to pay to enter prize draw sites but also to anyone running free prize draws. If your draw is targeted to your current userbase only then make it clear in the rules. One of the fishing sites that contacted us – and we’re not naming them because they were actually decent in their approach – have on their free prize draw “This competition is open to UK residents aged 18 or over”. There’s no indication that this draw is specifically for customers. The site can remedy this with one or two simple lines. For example they could state that the draw “is open to customers that have been registered up to the date of the draw”. This means that no newcomers will be able to get involved. Alternatively they could include a rule along the lines of “is open to customers who have purchased at least one ticket in the last 30 days”. This limits the number of potential entrants but at least the siteowner is targeting their current userbase. We’ve looked at the terms of a number of pay to enter prize draw sites and not one – including those who are now on our blacklist – actually limit entries to “customers only”. Anyway a second option is for sites to only show free draws once a user has registered. This will prevent it being flagged up in Google and found that way.

You Don’t Have To Be Listed On Loquax

All the above applies regardless of whether a brand wants to appear on Loquax or not. If a pay to enter prize draw brand doesn’t want to be listed then we’ll happily oblige. If you’re a siteowner and don’t want to be here then just drop us an email. Don’t make baseless legal threats to us because we’ll laugh at you and mention you in our blog. Also may be register and login to Loquax first to see what’s we actually do. One siteowner actually emailed us in reply with “I have no information on who Loquax are, how it works or why people are appearing on my website from your website” yet their first email was to demand all links were removed. Loquax not only lists competitions and prize draws but we also review raffle sites and are the UK’s leading win a house competition database. Why’s that important? Well it means we attract users who aren’t just looking for a free entry option! For brands that communicate with us we’re happy to offer advice and give suggestions. Cutting off a potential source of traffic, free advertising and people who are happy to share things socially seems a bit daft. Also assuming that people who use Loquax may not be interested in your themed giveaways is also very blinkered. Not everyone who likes free giveaways will want to win the prize that you’re offering.

Running Better Free Prize Draws

Free prize draws are a useful tool for all sites and brands, but even more so for pay to enter raffle sites who need to build trust and transparency in a highly questionable sector of comping. Run a free draw well and that might encourage visitors to spend a few pounds. Block them because you’ve found your link has been shared on Loquax and they’re going to use your competitors and we’re going to wonder if you’re playing with straight dice (you might be thinking that a bigger audience may expose that you’re not).

Below are our top tips…

  1. If your free prize draw is for your current users, use rules to make this clear.
  2. Consider making your free draw only visible to logged in users.
  3. Prizes like site credit are less attractive than shopping vouchers.
  4. Remember that free draws can help demonstrate how your site works to a new audience.
  5. Trust and transparency help build the pay to enter comping sector.
  6. Winners can share good experiences and help promote your brand.
  7. Links on Loquax help drive new visitors and traffic. It costs you nothing.
  8. Compers can find you via Google, Social Media for eg. so why block them from Loquax?
  9. A quick polite email gets any links removed. We honestly don’t mind!
  10. We want to help you! We’re not a competitor!

Royalux Competitions Rapped By ASA

Royalux Competitions, a pay to enter prize draw site, has had a ruling against them upheld by Advertising Standards (ASA). During August 2024