Have We Over Shared On Facebook?


Have We Over Shared On Facebook?

Every week there seems to be a new competition issue with Facebook and we had planned to write a blog about the latest problems surrounding multiple accounts. However, earlier today our Facebook account mysteriously logged itself out. On login, we had to verify the account by recognising photos of friends. That was OK, but then up popped up a message saying that as we’d been sending “spam and irrelevant posts on Facebook pages” for 15 days. Now this was on the Loquax account – and it’s left us a little bit perplexed. By the way the Loquax account is attached to a personal account – we just change identity within Facebook.

Facebook Penalty

On our account we just share competitions that we spot and that we think may be of interest to our followers. Occasionally those shares appear on the walls of the brands/promoters but very rarely do we comment or post as “Loquax”. We know we’ve not spammed or made irrelevant posts. However we do need to know why we’ve been hit with a penalty and why our activity has been spotlighted. We see people with duplicate accounts and reposting plenty of times, so why are we in the dock? The question is have we been oversharing?  With advent and 12 Days of Christmas competitions popping up left right and centre our Facebook wall has seen a lot more activity of late. It’s possible that Facebook has deemed that sharing too many posts is not a good thing! Interestingly we can still share posts – as we have done before – but we can’t comment on other walls (which we rarely do). The shares however don’t appear on the walls of the brands we’re pointing our followers too.

How To Contact Facebook

We’ve contacted Facebook – well by contact we’ve tried to work our way through the Spaghetti Junction that is their help centre – and hopefully have at least managed to get our questions over to someone. Hopefully we’ll get a reply and some light will be shed on this situation. For all we know it could be a glitch, it could just be a misunderstanding or it could be something a little more underhand. We think Facebook need to give more information about their decision making and make it a damn sight easier to question that decision. It’s all a little strange!  No doubt there will be some competition groups and compers who are pleased by the above… but the above good equally happen to you if all you’re doing is sharing competitions on your wall for the people who follow you.
