A Belated Happy New Year Newsletter

Loquax Newsletter

A Belated Happy New Year Newsletter

Happy New Year! Ok we’re already on the 455th day of January but this is our first email of 2020 so a belated greeting. Also apologies but we forgot to send out a December Newsletter. We could say it was too much festive Sherry but the newsletter writer doesn’t drink. Anyway, hopefully you’ve all recovered from the advent and festive season. Was it lucky for you? Did you pick up any prizes during Advent? Don’t forget to share your wins on the Loquax Winners Post forum as it’s nice to know people are winning.

The Chances Of Anything Coming From Mars

I don’t know about you but most plants that spend anytime in our home usually have a very short shelf life. It’s not for the lack of care and attention but the cats love to ruin them. If only there was a way to hang your plants in such a way that even the most adventurous moggy can’t get to them. Cue one of the latest prizes that we’re giving away in our own prize draws. It’s a Space Invader Hanging Planter. Rather than fill this UFO with little green men you can fill it with little green plants (these aren’t included in the prize by the way). If gardening isn’t your thing then our other prizes include a neon heart light, love hearts, a spa set, a robin teapot nester and a personalised walk of fame cushion. Ever wondered who wins our giveaways and contributor prize draw? We announce the winners on the forums and social media. For example Leslie E won a Brew Planet Mug and Michelle F won floating speakers. Don’t forget you can enter our prize draws daily (for extra chances to win) and do please share on social media. We fund these giveaways ourselves and it’d be nice to get a few more entries.

Win £100,000 This Valentine’s Day

One of the reasons why there wasn’t a Christmas Newsletter is that there was a big of site development going on. You may have seen a lot of media coverage about online gambling recently. You may also know that we cover stuff like bingo on Loquax and other sites. We obviously want to be responsible with respect to this subject, so after consideration we will be phasing out gambling banner adverts on competitions sections and the Loquax blog. This should put in place a fair and sensible divide between the comping community and other aspects of Loquax. Another area of the site that has had a bit of a tweak during December is the Loquax Blog. We actually started writing this back in 2007 and have had numerous stop/starts over the years. This year we’re hoping to be a bit more proactive with the blog covering various comping stories and topics. Our good intentions for 2020 have stalled just a tad but you can check out the latest posts here. Find out how you could win £100,000 on Valentine’s Day! If you have suggestions for topics we can cover on the blog or you have a comment about any part of Loquax then do let us know. You can contact us by email, via the contact form on site, social media or on the forums. We do try and implement things based on your comments. For example you may have spotted graphic changes on our homepage to better signpost you to what’s on offer.

2020 Comping Wishlist

What’s on your comping wish list for 2020? A holiday? A car? A once in a lifetime experience? Just one win would be nice! We’re in the latter camp but a holiday win would be cool. However a new addition to the site has caught our eye – a once in a lifetime chance to be part of the F1 Mclaren launch. The great thing about comping is these kind of prizes. If getting away from it all is on your wishlist then there’s currently 140 or so holiday prizes (outside The UK) to enter. Destinations vary but a quick scan down the list and we can see Turkey, The French Alps, Ibiza, Greece and New England holidays amongst the prizes on offer. Talking of holidays some of our users might remember the Loquax Duck Holiday. Way back in the day, long before Instagram, we distributed a handful of yellow rubber ducks to Loquax users. In return they sent in photos of the duck on holiday. It was quite fun and a few folk embraced the idea. The favourite image is still one taken with Bryan Adams. In truth I don’t think Loquax has ever hit those heights since. LOL.

As Always, Thank You

So that’s it for this month. As ever we’d like to thank everyone who is part of the Loquax Community especially those who make the effort to share competitions. We had quite an extensive advent list thanks to the contribution from owners and users. As you may have seen on our FB page our advent list was so good another site used it extensively. Nothing changes! And on that note we’re off to continue tweaking things around the site – hopefully without breaking them. There’s still a lot of work to do. With our 22nd birthday just a couple of weeks away we’re having to patch up on patch ups. It’s going to be a busy few weeks/months for us. We hope the year is a good one for you.


Loquax Update – May 2024

It’s only 6 weeks or so since our March 2025 update but that already feels a lifetime away. The last few weeks have

Loquax Update – March 2024

One minute it was January for a whole decade and then suddenly we’re heading towards Easter and April. This year seems to have