A Loquax Update – October 2021

Loquax Bingo

A Loquax Update – October 2021

We’ve not done an update for a while so thought we’d better give a quick update on what’s happening at Loquax. The biggest change is that we’ve made the decision to make Loquax.co.uk first and foremost a destination for prize draws and competitions. Some of you will probably think that’s already the case, but the site has had for over 15 years a strong bingo section. We’ve always felt bingo has had a place on Loquax due to the many prizes and free games being offered by operators.

Loquax Competitions v Loquax Everything Else

However managing a non-gambling and gambling service has become more and more difficult. We are required to meet certain regulations with respect to advertising gambling and we’re happy to do that. In some respects that meant making clear divisions between “Loquax Competitions” and “Loquax Everything Else”. However – despite doing this – last year we had to suspend our competitions newsletter because it contravened the terms of one of our partners. Whilst this hasn’t made life difficult for us it’s not ideal and we’d rather be able to contact you occasionally than not at all.

Two Sites One Umbrella

On top of that we’ve had some gambling partners refuse to work with us because of the competitions content. Ironically a lot of retailers turned us down as affiliates because of the gambling content. So trying to run a combined service just causes us a lot of problems. When we assessed the situation we were basically running two sites under one umbrella and struggling to reach a balance that was acceptable to all parties. Therefore we decided that the gambling content needed to have a more defined division and that meant moving it to a new home – loquaxbingo.co.uk.

A New Home

All our bingo and slots content is now in it’s new home. It’s clearly identifiable as a new site as it has a Loquax Bingo logo and a different colour scheme. On Loquax.co.uk you’ll notice that the red navigation bar is now mainly competitions orientated with new drop downs for ‘Community’ (the forums) and ‘Win A House’ (which we felt deserved a higher billing). The homepage which used to feature bingo news has now been changed. There are still some bingo links but we’ll be changing them in the coming weeks. Note that the remaining links do redirect to the new site.

Further Changes

Once we’ve settled bingo and slots into their new home we’ll then look at what to do with sports and lottery content. The former is likely to move but we’re still unsure on the latter. Our lottery content is mainly stats and numbers and where that best fits we’ve yet to agree. Once all that has been sorted out then Loquax should be a “competitions portal” and hopefully we’ll be able to resume sending out newsletters to compers. Sadly there’s no guarantee that will happen as we’ll need to make sure we’re not contravening any terms with our gambling partners. We’ll let you know if/when the newsletter returns.

Spread The Word

As usual we rely on people to spread the word about Loquax. We know in the past that some compers have shied away because of the gambling content on the site and we fully understand that position. But if you know of anyone who falls in that category and who may well be missing the comping here then do let them know of the changes we’ve made. In the same vein if you’re fan of bingo then do drop by our new site at loquaxbingo.co.uk and if you can share that with your bingo friends that’d be great too. Overall we think this is the right and most responsible move for Loquax – The UK’s Competition Portal.


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