Another Big Winner & Cool Creative Competitions

Who Wins 100s Of Sweeps?

Another Big Winner & Cool Creative Competitions

How are you doing? We hope this latest Loquax Newsletter finds you well. One thing we’ve noticed over the last few months is the number of raffle sites that give you the chance to win cars and other prizes that have appeared. We don’t know about you but we always assumed the cars and watches on offer were brand new. They’re not! Did you also know you can enter some of them via a no postal entry route? But is worth it? The jury is out on that one! We’ve created a section for raffle sites so that we can provide information about them, offer a bit of insight and hopefully weed out the better from the bad. Visitors to Loquax can also leave their own feedback too.

Win Pick N Mix

You don’t need to spend any money or use a postal route to enter our own prize draws. The prizes aren’t as big though but who really wants to win a car when you can win Pick N Mix. As usual there are six Loquax prize draws for you to enter and the prizes on offer are as follows:
Paperchase Voucher
A Bucket Of Beer
Pick N Mix
Sleepy Head Pillow
Neon Bar Sign
£30 Voucher
One competition (in this instance the Paperchase Voucher) will close every Sunday and a new giveaway kicks off every Monday. Winners are announced on the forums and also on our social media pages.

Win A House Winner

Back on the raffle theme and this time it’s those house prizes! Now, most win a house competitions tend to run for several months, but Grafton Farmhouse launched, completed and announced a winner all in the space of our last two newsletters. That’s a record! Alison Bellamy is now the lucky owner of the property all for the price of a couple of quid. Not bad, eh? Full details can be found on the Loquax Blog.
There are several other property competitions running at the moment. Now we know that the majority of our comping community aren’t too keen on purchasing tickets for these kind of things. The good news though is that most of them offer a free entry route. Check out our revamped win a house section for more info. Wouldn’t it be great to see a free entry win one of these competitions? Imagine the reaction from paid entrants!!

Get Creative & Magic Winner

If you’re looking to keep busy at this time then there’s quite a few creative competitions to get involved with. BakingMad have £20,000 of Kitchenaid Mixers to be won every weekday until 11th June. Share a photo of your baking on Instagram to get involved. Meanwhile if you’ve been doing a bit of DIY during the last few weeks then why not share your efforts with SCS by 2nd June for the chance to win a £599 sofa. Good luck if you enter and hopefully you’ll be joining the latest Loquax winners. Last month we told you about radio success for some users – well it’s good news again with one user picking up a £25,000 cash prize. They even used the free online entry route so it just goes to show that they can work! Vouchers, booze, a Roomba Robot vacuum cleaner and an Emma mattress have also recently been added to The Winners Post.

Welcome New Users

A big welcome to new users who have discovered or rediscovered Loquax in recent times. It’s great to see new faces and returning friends. It’s also great to see people getting involved with sharing competitions, reporting errors and using chat. if you have any questions or feedback then do feel free to contact us. We’ll try our best to help you. We hope that the community has helped you all in some small way during these times. As ever we are grateful to all of who you contribute to the site. A big thank you to our mod team as well. Until next time – stay safe, take care and good luck with the competitions.


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