Keep Calm And Carry On Comping

Keep Calm And Carry On Comping

Our last newsletter went out in January and – wow – a lot has changed since then. We do hope you’re keeping safe during these strange times. Our forums are open for anyone and everyone who wants to chat, take a break or just vent frustrations. We have a couple of active threads offering support during this time too. Plus there’s a few laughs as well.

Carry On Comping

Obviously these are unprecedented times and comping is way down the list of priorities for many. However should you carry on comping? A number of users have asked this question and here’s our view. Firstly there are still competitions being added to Loquax daily (thank you as ever to our wonderful contributors) so promoters are still active. There’s obviously going to be some disruption and there may be issues with comps that were launched a few months back, especially with respect to holidays, breaks and events. In terms of you as a comper, we think maintaining some degree of ‘normality’ is sensible. So don’t just stop entering! A bit of routine will be good for you – even if it’s just doing a few comps. If you’re lucky enough to win a prize then do give the promoter leeway with respect to any delivery times. There may be less competitions around though so do use the time to try something new. There are plenty of free things to do from PE with Joe Wicks to learning a new language. We’ve shared a few suggestions on the forums but do feel free to share what you’re doing too.

Win Tea & Biscuits

Our own prize draws are carrying on as normal. Each giveaway has a specific item as the headlining prize, but we are adaptable. So if there are issues with getting the prize to a winner we will look to offer vouchers to the value of the original prize as a replacement. As usual there are six current Loquax prize draws and the prizes on offer are as follows:

  • Pamper Hamper
  • Music Sleep Mask
  • Tea and Biscuits
  • Spring Flower Bouquet
  • Sloth Back Massager
  • Thorntons Chocolate Hamper

One competition (in this instance the Pamper Hamper) will close every Sunday and a new giveaway kicks off every Monday. Winners are announced on the forums and also on our social media pages.

Radio Competition Winners

There are some exciting radio competitions running at the moment including Magic FM’s Pay Your Bills. We’ll be hoping for more success for Loquax users as during March there were three big winners on radio competitions. Prizes of £12K, £9K and £6K were won during the month! We suspect all three will remember where they were when they heard about their big wins, but one will have a better story than the rest. ‘Sarahjames5’ was on holiday in Mauritius when the various travel restrictions came into place. This meant she couldn’t get the flight home that she expected. We don’t know about you but Mauritius doesn’t sound a bad place to be stuck! Anyway her travel company had just moved her to another hotel when she received a phone call. Initially she thought it was the travel company but instead it turned out to be Andy Crane to tell her she’d won £12,000! Wow! ‘Sarahjames5’ and her family are now safely home but that’s one holiday they’ll never forget!

Loquax Updates

It’s been a busy few months for Loquax. We’ve welcomed a lot of new compers who have finally realised that our competition listings are simply the best. Ok we’re biased but they are pretty good once you realise just how easy they are to use! We’ve also made a few tweaks to the forums including making it easier to post competitions if you’re using a mobile device. This was done when requested by a user so your suggestions do become reality (if we can do them). We don’t usually mention bingo in our newsletter but inspired by various street games that are taking place during social distancing we’ve created a free bingo card generator. You can use this to print off tickets and then host your own street game or family game. Each time you refresh the page you’ll get unique numbers. You can also print off a call sheet and we tell you where to generate the calls via a free app!

Hopefully we will be back sooner rather than later with the next Loquax Newsletter. Our aim is to try and give you some positive news so we hope this email has helped even in a small way. If we can help in any way to make these times a little bit easier then please do get in touch directly, on the forums or via Facebook. Stay safe and take care.


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