Looks Like We’re Still Around!!

Loquax Changes

Looks Like We’re Still Around!!

Can you believe that in four months time it will be two years since things changed on Loquax. Time has flown by so fast since then and surprisingly we’re still standing, there’s compers still around and life continues as normal at Duck HQ, albeit we’re not running round like headless chickens any more. More strolling around! At some point in time we do intend to get a bit more organised and blog a little more – no one reads the stuff we write but it does serve a purpose in reminding a couple of people we’re alive.

The Loquax Comping Community

Of course those of you who continue to be part of the Loquax Competition Community know things are ticking along nicely. As ever a massive thank you to everyone who gets involved! If you read our newsletter earlier in August we alluded to a few changes to come on site. First off the competition community is staying and secondly we’re not changing what we do (i.e. we’re not coming back). But we do have a plan! Although we’re not as active as we like with compers these days we do continually listen to your comments and feedback – we’ve taken that and will see where we can go with it. Watch this space as they say.

Bingo Goes

Elsewhere we continue to work on the main Loquax site and in other areas. Our chicken themed bingo site – Clucky Bingo is now 1 year old – and it will soon be joined by another friend. It’s another bingo site but it’s not bird related. We do like to diversify! As you know we’re not too afraid to make big decisions and our Bingo Blog site closed earlier in the year. This worked well for a large portion of it’s lifespan, but it had a limited shelf life. Mind it didn’t help that every article was being replicated on a site called “Lucky Lady”. Whoever runs that site has also ripped off articles from Loquax which impacts us in search. This is turn effects our income which ultimately can lead to closures. Sadly when people set up things to rip off other sites they don’t think about that!

Loquax Prize Draws

On to new things: As one site goes another comes in and so joining our collection of sites is Prize Draws. This is a project we’ve had in mind for a long time. There are loads of comps out there but we wanted to just dish out some odd things in easy to enter draws. Of course there’s an angle in that we get to promote our own sites as ‘sponsors’ but we think the approach is good. The site is mobile optimised, easy to use and you can enter quickly via Twitter and Facebook logins. So that’s a brief blog about what’s occurring. We’re still here, the Loquax site has closed and compers are still around. Hopefully we’ll still be plodding away for a bit longer – and perhaps so that we can remember to blog a bit more too.


Loquax Update – May 2024

It’s only 6 weeks or so since our March 2025 update but that already feels a lifetime away. The last few weeks have

Loquax Update – March 2024

One minute it was January for a whole decade and then suddenly we’re heading towards Easter and April. This year seems to have