Loquax Update – December 2023

Loquax Update

Loquax Update – December 2023

The advents are almost at an end and we’re just a couple of days from being able to eat all the festive food that’s in the fridge. It’s been a different advent season to most. Our intentions were to take it easy and see how it went, which to be fair it’s exactly what we did. A family bereavement and funeral in the first week of December meant some time out too. That said we still managed to accumulate a pretty decent list of advents and 12 Days of Christmas giveaways. And we know our list was good because it was used by other sites and forums. Just behind the great annual advent listing is the great let’s just use Loquax to find advents for our own sites (possibly). Normally we keep quiet about these things and quietly get on with our business but this year we’ve posted to the forums about not one but two incidents which have concerned us and that compers should be aware of. It’s one thing being copied to another forum or less well known site, but it’s another when we’re being (possibly) copied by people being paid by other sites (see here and here for details). At the very best (i.e assuming they’re not ripping off our time and efforts) we can say that compers paid by these other sites obviously prefer using Loquax judging by the amount of time they’ve spent here.

It’s Christmas!!

Let’s move on to something more festive and fun. One thing that did happen this month is that we had a Loquax Owners meet-up. Surely that’s nothing unusual or blogworthy. Well probably not until we tell you that it was the first one in over 18 years. Myself and Kirsty run Loquax as a virtual company and pretty much do everything online. The whole recent site move was orchestrated this way and it works for us. To be fair we probably should have caught up with each other in person a bit quicker. We’ll try and not wait until 2041 for the next one. We did briefly chat about Loquax and how things are going. Overall all’s good but we are mindful of the future. Neither of us are getting younger so there’s an inevitability that Loquax won’t be around for ever. Don’t worry that’s not the first indication that we’re going all 2013 on you again but these things need to be considered. As ever we’ll enjoy the ride as long as it keeps going. We do have an interesting plan for advents 2024. Whether they come to fruition remains to be seen but if it does then at worst it’ll make the process a lot better. But we’ll cross that bridge when it’s time. There’s still a lot of work to do on site and convert it all over to the new platform. One thing we didn’t do is take a picture of us (myself, Kirsty and partners) together but then you don’t want to see our mug shots across the site!!

Advent Winners

Thank you to everyone who have been sharing their advent wins on the forum. Head on over and read about wins from the likes of Makita, Victoria Bid, Ascot, Papa Johns, M&S, Petplan, Panasonic Kitchen, Hilton London, Cosyfeet, Frobishers, Afternoon Tea and many more. If you have won using Loquax’s lists and haven’t posted please do so. It’s useful to us and other compers to see that the advents are being won. If you’ve not been lucky this year then don’t despair. Some brands may not choose their winners until after Christmas. Remember also we’re going into a big lull in online activity as everyone stops doing anything until the 3rd January. Hopefully after that they’ll be plenty of winning notifications in plenty of inboxes come the New Year. As well advent winners we’ve seen posts from users who have won from other competitions. One has just collected £1000 after wondering if their winning email was a scam (such is the nature of comping these days), another received a 007 Scalextric Aston Martin Edition, another is taking ownership of a 600L garden storage unit worth £1000 and finally there’s a £1000 holiday voucher winner too. Talking of winners check out this article about an Arbroath Comper. It’s a nice read and Loquax even gets a mention.

Christmas Opening Hours

The number of competitions and prize draws will taper off over the next week as everyone closes down for the holidays. This obviously means the new today list will be a little smaller. That said Loquax doesn’t close down as there are still plenty of comps to enter. If you’re taken some time out for comping during the festivities then we suggest using it to get up to date with closing comps. The number of entries may be fewer around this time too so it’s well worth spending a bit of time entering. We will be around to keep an eye on things, post any comps we find etc. but naturally will also be taking some time out. However we do know that Christmas and New Year can be a difficult and sometimes lonely time for many people. Our forum is open for anyone who wants to chat etc over the holidays and we do hope one or two of you will pop in and check in on each other. Mind if you are stuck for something to do then there’s a whole bunch of “monthly competitions” that could do with checking. Fewer comps on site offers the perfect time for a bit of spring cleaning. Finally all at Loquax would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy 2024.


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