Just when you think there’s not much else left to do – other than tidy up a few odds and ends – someone comes along with another request. In this case a user wanted to know whether we could provide options to hide competitions by prize category. We have opt-outs for type of competition so why not type of prize. Initially our response was going to be “no” but we love a challenge and quickly figured that yes we can do it. And given that – as far as we aware – no other competition listing site offers the option – why not do it!? It saves you time clicking the “ignore” button on book prizes which in turn means more time to concentrate on the competitions you really want. Although we’d hoped to have wrapped up redevelopment by now (and to be fair it’s close) we’ve thought it best to get as much done as we can.
How To Hide Comping Categories

To access this feature please go to Edit Loquax Options and click the tickboxes for the categories you would like to hide. When you then go to new competitions, closing competitions and type of comp listings the comps in those categories will be hidden!
Opt-Out By Competition Type
If you’ve visited the competition listing options before you’ll also see we’ve tidied up the options for hiding the type of competition (e.g. Facebook, Twitter). You will need to reset these if you’ve set them previously! That’s the bad news. The good news is that you can now opt-out of email, creative and pinterest comps as well as the usual blog, gleam, rafflecopters etc. Note that the opt-outs will be over-ridden in some places. For example category pages will still show the relevant prizes even if you’re ignoring them, likewise category pages. Searches and competitions from the same site will also ignore your options. This is to aid spotting comps that are already listed. We hope you like these options and also what we’ve done to make comping with Loquax a lot easier. As usual comments, questions, feedback welcome.