Loquax Competition Listings – Update!
Earlier this week we announced the difficult decision to end the competition listing service that we have run for almost 15 years. We expected a wide range of reactions and to be honest we have
As we no longer send out a newsletter to our users we like to use our blog to keep you up to date with what’s happening at Loquax. So in this section you’ll find the latest news from ‘Duck Towers’ (actually we don’t live in a tower and it’s not even Duck named). Do keep an eye on this section and the Loquax Forums so you don’t miss out on important announcements.
See Also: Fun Stuff, Memory Lane, Awards, Newsletters
Earlier this week we announced the difficult decision to end the competition listing service that we have run for almost 15 years. We expected a wide range of reactions and to be honest we have
For almost 15 years Loquax has been listing competitions and providing compers with a fantastic free service. Sadly, all good things must come to an end and we are today announcing the termination of our
By now we’d hoped to have had our Christmas Competition, a replacement for our usual advent prize draw, in place and up and running. Unfortunately time and a nice bout of flu has taken it’s
After 14 years of providing an online competition service, Loquax is pleased to announce a new string to our competition bow. We’ve looked at the competition magazines that are out there and have decided that
And so 2011 comes to a close.. and a New Year begins. For many of you they’ll be the usual resolutions of stop smoking, drinking and losing weight but how about some comping resolutions? A
When we looked forward to comping in 2011 we wrote that we expected that our 13th year would be a tough one. We were pretty spot on with that. The site has been incredibly busy
Every week there seems to be a new competition issue with Facebook and we had planned to write a blog about the latest problems surrounding multiple accounts. However, earlier today our Facebook account mysteriously logged
With there being so many advent competitions this year we decided that to make it much simpler for you to pick and choose competitions that we’d create two pages for the lists. There’s the web
With their being so many advent competitions some of you have told us you’ve found the lists we have quite daunting and that it’s difficult to keep track. You also wanted to be able to