Loquax News & Updates

As we no longer send out a newsletter to our users we like to use our blog to keep you up to date with what’s happening at Loquax. So in this section you’ll find the latest news from ‘Duck Towers’ (actually we don’t live in a tower and it’s not even Duck named). Do keep an eye on this section and the Loquax Forums so you don’t miss out on important announcements.

See Also: Fun Stuff, Memory Lane, Awards, Newsletters


Have We Over Shared On Facebook?

Every week there seems to be a new competition issue with Facebook and we had planned to write a blog about the latest problems surrounding multiple accounts. However, earlier today our Facebook account mysteriously logged

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Keep Calm And Do Some Comps!

A while back we were playing around with Keep Calm-o-Matic, a website that lets you create parodies of the famous “Keep Calm and Carry On” slogan. We came up with “Keep Calm and Do Some

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Loquax In The Big Brother House

Celebrity Big Brother is back and so we thought we’d go and look for a suitable video for this week’s blog. Then we remembered that a few years ago Loquax was in The Big Brother

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