Updates To Competition Tracker Reporting Pages

Updates To Competition Tracker Reporting Pages

This week we’ve made some adjustments to our competition tracking reporting pages. Firstly, we still do have a competition tracker – in fact we have two – one is the old legacy version which relied on clicking the “thanks” button whilst the other is the “quacker tracker” which involves clicking on the ducks or crosses to mark as entered or ignore. The latter is similar to the tracking set up before the competition listings moved to the forum.

What Have We Changed?

When you used to click on Entered Competitions our system would default to just showing you everything you’ve entered. You could then organise the list by date, sitename, closing date and prize type. In addition you could review the lists through A to Z options. We felt, and we know some of you felt, that this didn’t quite work. Plus users who have tracked thousands of comps would find the pages timing out. To make the tracker more user friendly we’re now reporting competitions entered by date. This means when you now click on Entered Competitions our system will now default to those competitions you’ve entered today. You can still organise the list by date, sitename, closing date and prize type. In addition you can review comps entered over the last 30 days (by date entered).

See Everything You’ve Entered

For users who like to see everything we’ve also left in options to see ‘All’, ‘Open and Entered’ and ‘Closed and Entered’. Note that there’s a database limit of the last 3000 competitions tracked. Hopefully that’s more than enough for people who use this facility. The ignored competition list has also been updated. Dates are involved but please note these will show comps by the date they were posted not by the date you ignored them. Our ignored list also only shows active competitions just in case you make an error or wish to go back and enter them at a later time. As with the entered lists there’s also the option to see everything you’ve ignored via an ‘All’ option (at the bottom of the page). The competition tracker links can be found at the top right of the forum/competition listings. Look for the page/pencil icon!

