I don’t know about you but this year seems to be flying by! We’re now almost into May and we’ve finally found some time to start doing some work on the competitions side of Loquax. Our aim is to try and make using the site easier and hopefully encourage more people to get involved. A lot of the current competition information is from the 2013 change over so that will be updated. First off an apology for not getting round to doing some of this work sooner. It’s been planned but for various reasons it’s not been started. Dislocating my shoulder back in November turned out to be a bit more of a problem than first anticipated.
ITV Competitions
Anyway so what’s new – first off we’ve added some highly exciting and informative text to the prize directory and types of competition pages. OK it’s not that exciting but it’s a lot better than what we did have (and we bet you can’t even remember lol). The ITV Competitions page has been updated – previously it didn’t contain the postal listings but now ITV have switched most of their comps away from free web entry it’s something that needed to be done. Joining ITV with their own pages of comps are Channel 4 and Channel 5. It seems that these three are where the real biggies are these days.
Find Competitions By Prize
In previous times Loquax had the largest listings of prizes by category. At one stage we had around 50 categories. That was quite hard to manage so under the forum structure we’ve reduced things. However we do know you like to find some prizes which may get swamped in these less defined groups.
Therefore we have now added a way of listing wedding prizes, jewellery prizes, pet related prizes and festival prizes. Note that these may not be definitive and occasionally may contain anomalies. It’s just a quirk of broad searching but these groups should be a decent enough platform to start finding prizes.
As ever thank you to those of you who post and share competitions on Loquax. If you do spot a competition then please feel to add it to the site. Hopefully we’ll be back soon with a few more tweaks, changes and new additions to Loquax.