Advent Competitions 2025

Advent competitions act like advent calendars except there are prizes to be won in the build up to Christmas. Most sites offer daily prizes - you simply need to follow the links and enter the competition. The number of advents, and 12 Days Of Christmas giveaways, has gone through the roof in recent years - last year there was literally 100s of them with many running via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. We expect that they'll be just as many - if not more - again this year!

Advent Competitions

So Where Are The Advent Competitions Listed?

For 2025 our advent lists are again being done by users for users over on the Loquax Forums. From these contributions we have created easy to use lists and simple links to try and make things as easy as possible for you. In addition we've brought back our special advent tracker so you can enter the advents you like and ignore those that don't interest you. The tracker is free and will update daily.

Popular Types Of Advent Competitions

What Is An Advent Competition?

An advent competition is simply an advent calendar with prizes. Instead of 24 pictures, bottles of gin, pringles, saucy adult items, chocolate or even cereal (yes there is one) you'll usually find a prize draw lurking behind the numbered door running from the 1st December to the 24th/25th December. That's the theory anyway! These days an 'advent' is basically anything or anyone who runs a daily competition in December - or at least close to December (November and January sometimes count) and sticks some festive baubles around the entry form. They can run on Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, Websites, Instagram - anywhere in fact.

12 Days Of Christmas Giveaways

Scattered amongst the many 24 day giveaways are 12 Days Of Christmas giveaways. These are like advents except they run for 12 days. Of course things can't be simple and run between the 1st and 12th or 13th and 24th. Oh no! You will find 12 days of Christmas prize draws popping up throughout December. Some will run daily, some will run on weekdays and others will run at random days during advent but they'll be 12 prizes to be won. You can understand now why it all get's a little complicated.

What Can I Win?

The prizes on offer will vary from the cheap and cheerful to the pretty decent (holidays, gadgets etc) so it all depends on the promoter! After a few days of entering you'll soon have a good gauge as to which competitions are worth your time and which ones aren't worth bothering with. Do watch out for discounts or even 'no prize' days on some calendars! Also worth keeping an eye on are local interest giveaways. There's no point entering for a £5 off chippy tea in Exeter when you live in Liverpool!

Loquax's Advent Advice

Every year compers - and comp sites - get themselves in a right tizzy over advents. They're over hyped and for the most part a big distraction for normal comping. Firstly it's not necessary to enter every one every day. It's not even worth trying to do every one. Set yourself a fixed amount of time each day to do the advents and then be selective - do the ones you like first.

Watch Out For Bans

Be careful with social media. Frenzied comping on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram can lead to a ban. Pace yourself and be careful with the speed and frequency of entries you make. Being selective, switching from platform to platform, and being sensible should keep you entering OK throughout the whole festive period.

Remember To Be Festive

The most important advice we'll give you is this: do remember it's the festive time of year so don't neglect time enjoying Christmas with family and friends. Many a year we've been so sucked in with the advent hype and making sure our lists are wonderful for you that we've missed getting away from the computer. We don't do that any more! So if you miss some advent comping then so what - it's not the end of the world. There's always a whole bunch to do tomorrow!

Have Fun

So grab a mince pie and maybe a Baileys (or two) and just have some fun with the advents. If you spot any competition that is not listed on Loquax then please share it. Every little helps and you'll not get coal in your Christmas Stocking (* not guaranteed). Above all just enjoy the ride!

From The Loquax Blog
