Win A House Competitions - Map View

When we restarted the win a house competition watch back at the start of 2017 we didn't expect there to be so many property prize draws. Our list has grown considerably to become the most comprehensive in The UK. As a bit of fun we've created the "Win A House Competitions Map" - it gives you a rough idea where each of the home raffles are located across The UK. Is there a competition local to you? By zooming in on the markers you can find out more about the locations and then use streetview to get an even more detailed look. Although the map focuses on The UK, if you zoom out using the (-) key then you'll also see locations for properties in Europe and further afield.

Key to Our Markers

Our markers also indicate the competitions that are open and closed, plus you can follow the markers to get more details.

  • Yellow Markers - open competitions (19)
  • Red Markers - closed competitions, house prize winners (200)
  • Blue Markers - closed competitions, cash alternative awarded (208)
  • Grey Markers - closed competitions, result unknown or ticket refunded (48)


The location of each marker is down to the postcode we have for each property. In most cases they're reasonably good, but occasionally Google does skew things a little. If there are any glaring errors then please contact us and we'll amend the co-ordinates we have on the database. With some platforms now offering cash prizes (e.g Tramway Path, Raffle House) instead of a fixed property we've simply selected a postcode to act as a marker.
