6 Bedroom House In Sheffield Review Cash Winner 

A unique architecturally designed 6 bedroom detached home in North Sheffield is the prize in this win a house competition. A ticket will cost you just £2.50 and the contest is being hosted on the popular Raffall platform.
6 Bedroom House In Sheffield

Winner: James Hague

Launched: 14th February 2021 End Date: 28th June 2021

Location: Sheffield S1

House Value: £600,000 (6 Bedrooms)

Ticket Price: £2.50 (Free Entry - See 5.6 in Terms)

Tickets Sold: 1948 Tickets

Estimated Revenue: £4870

Cash Alternative: 75% of ticket sales

Platform: Raffall

Finally another UK property has been added to the increasing list of home raffles running on the Raffall platform. On offer this time is a 6 bedroom home in North Sheffield. Details about the location are quite limited and as usual for a Raffall competition we have no idea of property value. A search on Rightmove doesn't help us either because six bedroom properties in the Sheffield area vary considerably. For reference only we've estimated the value until we have further information.

How To Enter

The house itself looks pretty good. It has six bedrooms including one with ensuite plus two bathrooms. Downstairs is an open plan living area, spacious kitchen with quality appliances, and a private garden with pond. Planning permission has been granted for a double garage and accommodation above. A video and images of the property are provided on Raffall. The winner will get the property mortgage free and all legal fees and stamp duty will be paid by the current owners.

To enter the raffle you need to be registered with Raffall. This can be done via Facebook or email login. Once at the house raffle page it's a case of answering a question and purchasing tickets. The question pops up in a window which we found disappeared very quickly. Tickets only cost £2.50 and there's no limit to the number you can purchase. You can purchase online using debit cards. If all tickets are sold then £20,000 will be donated to the Alzheimer's Society.

400,000 Ticket Sales

Steve Lawrence aims to sell 400,000 tickets (total revenue £1million) by the end of June 2021 in order to conclude the draw. If insufficient tickets are sold then the winners will receive a share of the compensation amounting to 75% of all ticket sales. All compensation payments are guaranteed and paid directly by Raffall Limited. Note that if 100% of the tickets are not sold then the promoter receives nothing.

£2.50 is a nice price point for any property competition but the target of 400,000 in the current climate (where most competitions are struggling) could be a tough ask. Without a good valuation it's difficult to know whether the owners could have perhaps reduced ticket numbers or whether the £1million revenue is a fair target. However for this to really start moving the owner is going to have to do some marketing and so far we've not seen any. The charitable donation is a nice touch but we wonder this competition has enough time to reach that point.

6 Bedroom House In Sheffield Discussion

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Alternatives to 6 Bedroom House In Sheffield
