Better Chances 2 Review Cash Winner 

Better Chances failed with their first attempt to giveaway a home in a house raffle. So they're trying again. For £11 you can try and win - again - a completely renovated and furnished three bedroomed property in Borehamwood.
Better Chances 2

Winner: Sandy Chamberlain

Launched: 23rd September 2020 End Date: 16th September 2021

Location: Borehamwood WD6 2NU

House Value: £750,000 (3 Bedrooms)

Ticket Price: £11.00 (Free Entry Available)

Tickets Sold: 500 Tickets

Estimated Revenue: £5500

Cash Alternative: 50% cash alternative


As far as we're aware this is the first time a house has been put up for raffle a second time because the original effort failed. And boy did it fail for Better Chances when their last competition only resulted in 1200 ticket sales. Remember that was over a period of one year and at a time when win a house competitions have become successful and popular! Once again the property on offer is a 3 bedroomed house that's been renovated to a high spec. As well as three bedrooms the property also boasts an office, walk-in wardrobes and a garage. The promoters value the property at £750,000 and it comes fully furnished.

How To Enter

To enter the competition you need to complete a skill question. This is a maths style question which features icons and equations. We think it's quite easy to solve. Note that you're not told whether your answer is right or wrong. Once you've selected your answer, complete the details and purchase tickets. Tickets cost £10 each but there's an additional £1 admin free. The maximum number of entries per individual is restricted to 1000. Entry to the competition is open to all residents of any country where such competitions are permitted by law. A free entry route was added in June 2021.

In their second attempt to giveaway this property the promoters are again aiming to sell 120,000 tickets (£1.2million). If insufficient entries are achieved by the closing date then a cash prize will be awarded. The cash prize is set as 50% of the total amount of payments received less the transaction fees. This is one of the lowest (if not the lowest) percentage cash prize that we've seen. According to the FAQ the promoters 50% goes to cover marketing and legal fees. Additionally there's also "a return to our investors for funding it". The first competition resulted in a cash prize winner of just over £8000.

Is It Different To The First Competition?

According to the website Better Chances have donated 20% of ticket sales - up to the 31st May - to support the NHS. We're not totally sure whether they're supporting good causes this time around. There's nothing in the terms and conditions about a donation or charity so that suggests they're not going to be donating anything. Another thing missing from the terms is Prizeology. This third party company - brought in to ensure a fair draw - were on board for the original competition but they've been dropped. We suspect that there's some serious cost cutting going on for this re-run. Insanity is defined as "doing the same thing and expecting a different result"! Are Better Chances being insane by re-running the competition in the exact same format? Well "yes" is our view. We questioned why entrants would pay £11 the first time round so why part with £11 the second? Especially when - somehow - they only managed to see 1200 or so tickets. Again we're not happy with the 50% alternative cash prize amount after fees. In comparison most house raffles offer 70% to 80% after fees whilst Raffall offers 75% of ticket sales.

Missed Opportunity

We admire the fact that Better Chances are trying again - especially with the same property - but why didn't they lower the ticket price or make the competition better? Why is the closing date so long - a long date doesn;t create any level of urgency! Why aren't they offering incentives to enter early or every week like Raffle House are doing? Why have they not looked at successful house raffles and used them as a guide to come up with a better competition? It just makes absolutely no sense to re-run the failed version in exactly the same format.

Note that if you purchased tickets for the first competition then they do not count for the second. If you do buy tickets then there is reference to earning free entries by referring friends but details on the site seem to be limited. Overall there's nothing here to suggest that the promoters have learnt from their first efforts or are going to run a successful competition. The closing date is so long so our advice is hold fire and wait and see how it goes. In short this is a missed opportunity and there are better options for your money.

Better Chances Are Closing

On October 1st, Better Chances announced on their Facebook page that they'll be closing their operation. The owners suggest that they "were naive in underestimating the complexity of such business and how much it's required to build the trust of our customers to believe in Better Chances as we did!". Despite using various advertising outlets the site didn't pick up enough support for their competitions to succeed. One thing that the owners have omitted though is any indication of what happened with their last property giveaway. Obviously it failed but what was the result?

Better Chances 2 Discussion

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Alternatives to Better Chances 2
