Castle Competition Review Cash Winner 

This competition offers you the chance to win the world's tallest Gothic Folly. The refurbed Hadlow Tower is the prize, but alternatively the winner can opt to take a £1million cash prize - tax free.
Castle Competition

Launched: 4th December 2018 End Date: 3rd December 2019

Location: Tonbridge, Kent TN11 0EG

House Value: £2,000,000

Ticket Price: £4.50 (Free Entry Available)

Tickets Sold: Unknown


Situated in Tonbridge, Kent, Hadlow Tower was purchased by Christian Tym over a year ago for £425,000. Since then the 4 bedroomed property has been refurbished and was recently put up for sale for £2million. The owner has now opted to offer the Gothic Folly in a win a home competition.

Weekly Prize Draw

Unusually for win a home competitions the main prize doesn't have to be the property. Provided enough tickets are sold the winner can choose: the property or £1million or a Caribbean Villa plus £250,000. In addition the owner is giving away a 2 night Castle Holiday Break worth £2000 every week of the competition!

Tickets cost £4.50 but you can purchase 3 entries for £10.50 or ten at £27.50. Only multiple ticket purchases give entrants the chance to win the weekly holiday prize. For the property to be won the owner needs to sell at least 800,000 tickets. Although to choose £1million as a prize the competition needs 1million tickets to be sold.

More Tickets Sold = Bigger Prizes

However, the owner has also set other ticket targets. If up to 50,000 tickets are sold then a cash prize will be awarded. At up to 200,000 the prize may a luxury 3 bed Caribbean villa in Grenada - depending on ticket value. Over 200,000 tickets sold means a villa prize is guaranteed. All the targets are shown on the website plus a break down of costs are given in the terms. We're not quite sure what to make of this competition. Offering weekly prizes, discounts on multiple tickets and a choice of main prizes are good ideas. However the website itself looks awful and doesn't convey the magnificence of the building.

Luxury Holiday Rental

The site does provide details about the property, including information about covenants. The covenants include opening the property up to the public for 28 days each year for four years. However the site omits the running costs of owning a Grade 1 listed property.

The owners do seem to running Hadlow Tower as a luxury holiday rental. We presume that any new owner could continue this option. However, details of how successful this venture is are unavailable. By the way a short term let is permittable within the convenant but the property "cannot be used for commercial purposes" which seems a bit contradictory.

Holiday Winners

The competition was due to close on 3rd June 2019 - but this was extended until 3rd December 2019. At this point the social media page was shut down and the website changed to report the weekly winners of a "£2000 stay at Hadlow Tower". There's no indication of how the competition performed but we can summise that insufficient tickets were sold and that the property was not won.

Castle Competition Discussion

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