Elite Competitions Set For Life Review Home Winner 

After a successful property competition, Elite Competitions are hoping to do it again with Set For Life. This prize package includes a choice of new home, a choice of car, £10K to spend on furniture and £2500 cash every month in 2021.
Elite Competitions Set For Life

Winner: Brandon Klayman

Launched: 16th November 2020 End Date: 30th December 2020

Location: Birmingham B1 3DW

House Value: £200,000 (3 Bedrooms)

Extras: Includes 10K of furniture and 12 x £2500

Ticket Price: £18.00 (Free Entry Available)

Cars: Choice of 4 Cars

Tickets Sold: Unknown

Cash Alternative: 70% of ticket sales


Elite Competitions are returning to the win a house sector with Set For Life. In their original competition they "just" gave away a property. They selected a number of different developments around the country and the winner could choose a four bedroom property - subject to availability - at the development of their choice, from a selection. As the competition progressed this was changed to include the option to take a cash prize to buy any home or pay off mortgages. This time round they're doing a similar thing but as well as the house there are extra goodies included.

How To Enter

For the purposes of our review we've selected Birmingham as the location for the property but locations include Belfast, Pembroke, Fife, Bath and Leicester. The selection of homes allows for apartments in City Centres which can be used for living or rental as an additional income. As well as a house you can choose from an Audi A3 S-Line, BMW 1 Series M Sport, Mercedes Benz A Class AMG Line and VW Tiguan. Throw in £10,000 of furniture and a £2500 cash amount paid every month in 2021 and that's not a bad prize. The property valuation we've set to be around £200,000 but with the car, cash and furniture that gives a prize value of at least £275,000.

To enter the raffle you need to be registered with Elite Competitions. Set up an account and then choose your tickets from the many that are available. You can pick your own ticket or use a Lucky Dip option. As far as we're aware there's no skill element involved. There is a free entry route though and this is outlined in the terms and conditions. Note that you will need to register an account to take advantage of this route. We don't believe that any funds will be donated to charity.

25,974 Ticket Sales

As in the original competition the promoter hopes to sell 25,974 tickets (total revenue about £400K to £450K) by the end of December in order to conclude the draw. If insufficient tickets are sold then the competition can be extended by 7 days for up to four turns. If after that all the tickets are not sold then a winner will receive a cash alternative prize of 70% of tickets sales. The remaining 30% is retained by the promoter. However Elite Competitions have stated that the prize is guaranteed to be won.

By the time we'd uploaded this review, half the tickets have already been sold so despite the expensive ticket cost (which is up to £18) entrants are obviously interested in the prize. It does make you wonder why some of the cheaper competitions don't even come close to selling as many tickets though? One thing worth doing is keeping an eye on the ticket price as it does fluctuate. The promoters initially set the amount to £18 but it's currently £14.99. They may drop it slightly towards the end of the competition to get all tickets sold.

Elite Competitions Set For Life Discussion

We're keen to hear your views on Elite Competitions Set For Life. Join in the conversation below and share your experiences. As of 25/7/24 you'll need to be registered with Loquax AND have made an initial hello post here to comment on new reviews. Older reviews will still have the FB system. Please note that comments may be moderated and may not always reflect the views of Loquax Ltd.

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