Prize Pub Ireland Review Cash Winner 

The Spinner’s Bar in Kilmacow, South Kilkenny which comes with take-away, apartment and cash is the prize on offer in this latest competition. Running on the popular Raffall platform you could become a new business owner in Ireland for just £20 a ticket.
Prize Pub Ireland

Winner: Phoenix Splendori

Launched: 1st April 2021 End Date: 13th September 2021

Location: Lower Kilmacow, South Kilkenny

House Value: £500,000 (2 Bedrooms)

Ticket Price: £20.00 (Free Entry - See 5.6 in Terms)

Tickets Sold: 5150 Tickets

Estimated Revenue: £103000

Cash Alternative: 75% of ticket sales

Platform: Raffall

We're back to Ireland for the latest addition to the Raffall competition stable and not only can you win accommodation there's a couple of business opportunities on offer. Sinead Cody and her partner Seamus are putting their business and home up for raffle. The reason behind this decision is that Seamus was diagnosed with cancer in early 2020 and the couple want to enjoy a second chance at life. There's no valuation given for the prize which consists of a takeaway, pub and apartment so we've estimated it until we get a better figure.

How To Enter

The pub is described as a "profitable functioning business with valid licence included". In addition there's the takeaway set-up which includes "fryers, pizza conveyor ovens, hennypenny chicken fryer as well as fridges and freezers". Living accommodation is currently a two bedroom apartment with kitchen/sitting room. There is scope to develop the middle floor if more space is required. The owners will also pay out £15,000 to stock the businesses or make any changes to put your own stamp on things. Details about stamp duty, costs etc are not given but we assume they will be covered by the host.

To enter the raffle you need to be registered with Raffall. This can be done via Facebook or email login. Once at the house raffle page it's a case of answering a question and purchasing tickets. The question pops up in a window which we found disappeared very quickly. Tickets only cost £20 and there's no limit to the number you can purchase. You can purchase online using debit cards. A donation of 10% will be made to the Solas Cancer Support Centre if the property is won.

40,000 Ticket Sales

The promoter hopes to sell 40,000 tickets (total revenue £800,000) by the mid September 2021 in order to conclude the draw. If insufficient tickets are sold then the winners will receive a share of the compensation amounting to 75% of all ticket sales. All compensation payments are guaranteed and paid directly by Raffall Limited. This is a little bit different to house competitions run by individuals and should offer more assurance to entrants.

If this was a UK property we'd say it had little chance of completion. Hwoever Ireland continues to turn things upside down when it comes to property raffles. A £20 ticket for starting a new business and life in Kilmacow may well appeal to a lot of people, especially given the reputation of the businesses on offer. The competition already has had some coverage in the local press too so that could help get the ball rolling.

Prize Pub Ireland Discussion

We're keen to hear your views on Prize Pub Ireland. Join in the conversation below and share your experiences. As of 25/7/24 you'll need to be registered with Loquax AND have made an initial hello post here to comment on new reviews. Older reviews will still have the FB system. Please note that comments may be moderated and may not always reflect the views of Loquax Ltd.

Alternatives to Prize Pub Ireland
