Win A 3 Bed Portugal Villa 2 Review Home Winner 

McKinney Competitions, a raffle style prize draw company based in Ireland, are offering entrants yet another chance to win either a 3 bedroom villa in Portugal plus cash and a VW Multi Van or £500,000 cash. If this property looks familiar then you'd be right because it's up for "raffle" yet again. Tickets this time round though cost almost double at £99.97. Look out for discounts.
Win A 3 Bed Portugal Villa 2

Winner: Andrew Hall

Launched: 22nd January 2024 End Date: 2nd February 2024

Location: Albufeira, Portugal

House Value: £500,000 (3 Bedrooms)

Extras: £50,000 Cash

Ticket Price: £99.97 (Free Entry Available)

Cars: Brand New VW Multivan

Tickets Sold: Unknown

Cash Alternative: £500,000

Platform: McKinney Competitions

McKinney have returned to Albufeira in The Algarve for another prize draw and yes it's another deja vu moment. The problem with offering cash alternatives over villas and holiday apartments is that most folk will probably take the money. We guess that's win win for McKinney because they get to raffle the same property several times and cash in on the interest. We guess that once this particular promo has been done and dusted then we'll either see Mar Menor doing the rounds again or that 5 bed villa or £1million alternative (as the previous winner decided to take the cash). Anyway all this is win win for us too because we can just regurgitate the same review again as nothing has really changed.

The Property

The property being offered looks stunning and comprises three bedrooms - one on the ground floor and two double en-suite bedrooms on the first floor. These are joined by a garden, spacious BBQ room, lounge area & swimming pool. A Brand New Volkswagen Multi-Van is included in the prize whilst the winner will also collect £50,000 cash. The property comes fully furnished and ready to go. Once again McKinney have omitted details we think would be useful. Running costs, community charges and potential for rental income would all add to the details. We'd also like to know the processes in place for sorting out transfer of ownership etc. For example do McKinney cover costs for travelling out to Portugal? Of course you can avoid all these questions by simply accepting the £500,000 cash alternative.

How To Enter

To enter the competition for the chance to win the 3 Bedroom Villa in Portugal or cash alternative you simply need to answer a multiple choice question about the country. Note that you're not told whether your answer is right or not but the question is so absurdly easy that you won't need Google to check. Once you've made your selection it's simply a case of completing the purchase of your tickets. There is a free entry route offered for entrants who wish to take that option. Entry is via postcard and details about how to complete your entry are given on the website. However just note that if you're thinking of going via NPN then you will need to be fast as these draws can sell out quickly.

29999 Tickets

McKinney Competitions aim to sell a maximum of 29999 tickets at £99.97 (total revenue just under £3million assuming full prices are paid) by the first week of February. At time of writing there was a discount in place though meaning tickets could be purchase at £79.97. Last time round the tickets were £49.97 before discounts. The deadline combined with ticket price again may seem incredibly ambitious but this company always seem to manage to come up with enough sales. According to the website the draw date is "always brought forward to next working day after all tickets are designated" and that the "date counter is just a possible maximum draw date". At time of writing just over 2000 tickets had been sold which after 48 hours doesn't seem that many until you realise that's around £180,000 in the pot already.

Our Verdict

This property in Portugal is very attractive and even more so in the middle of the wind and rain we're having in The UK. But is it worth entering the prize draw? The key with McKinney comps is to try and get in when the ticket price is right. Last time round tickets were cheaper - but still expensive - so the £99/£79 price is a bit poor in our view, especially when January is a tough month financially for many. If you're ambivelent about entering we suggest maybe holding out to the last day to see if there are any last minute deals. If there aren't then hold on to your cash. Whilst the ticket price is high and the target even higher you have to remember that McKinney actually only need to sell about 6000 tickets (assuming full price) to be able to offer the cash prize AND make themselves a decent profit.

Win A 3 Bed Portugal Villa 2 Discussion

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Alternatives to Win A 3 Bed Portugal Villa 2
