Win A Holiday Villa In Didim Review Cash Winner 

A stunning villa in the Didim area of Turkey plus £10,000 cash are the prizes on offer in this house prize draw. The competition is hosted by new raffle site, Giveaway Box, and tickets cost from £45 - although you do get multiple entries for the fee.
Win A Holiday Villa In Didim

Winner: Luke Dobson

Launched: 7th February 2022 End Date: 31st May 2022

Location: Didim, Turkey

House Value: £170,000 (3 Bedrooms)

Extras: £10000 Cash

Ticket Price: £10.00 (Free Entry Available)

Tickets Sold: 26 Tickets

Estimated Revenue: £260

Cash Alternative: 70% Of Ticket Sales

Platform: Giveaway Box

Giveaway Box hope to follow in the footsteps of Elite Competitions and McKinney by creating a house winner via their raffle platform. From what we can see Giveaway Box are pretty new to the scene. They have limited activity on Facebook but look busier on Instagram. To date they've only completed a couple of raffles. For some people this may not be an issue but given Cathedral Competitions awful approach to house prize draws we wouldn't be surprised if some approach with caution. The property on offer looks attractive although details about it are limited. However we did find this advert from 2017 on Facebook which gives the valuation at around 155,000 Euros as of 2019 - however the promoters tell us that it's now worth £170,000. We also can tell you that the property is located in the Yeşiltepe area. In terms of travel the property is located 40 Miles from Bodrum Airport and 75 Miles from Izmir Airport.

The Property

The property on offer was built in 2012. It has three bedrooms and comes furnished with all appliances. It has an attractive private swimming pool, garden, sunroom and gazebo. There are numerous images on the Giveaway Box website so that you can see the prize for yourself. All expenses will be covered and winners will be offered a trip to Turkey to complete all the necessary paperwork. In addition the property comes with a £10,000 cash prize. Originally useful information such as community fees, running costs, potential rental opportunities etc were not available but following our review Giveaway Box have now added some details. For example council tax is a mere £60 a year.

How To Enter

Entry to the competition is via a multiple choice question. You will need to login/register to enter too. The question - which is about the name of a city in Turkey - isn't that easy (at least we didn't think it was) so Google is your friend especially as you can purchase tickets with a wrong answer. You then need to select the number of tickets you wish to purchase before completing the transaction. A free entry postal route is available but you do need to be registered with Giveaway Box. The postcard must include the answer to the question plus a whole host of personal details which many entrants may not appreciate having to send. In our view if you're registered with the site then the personal details like email address, date of birth, home address and mobile would all be known and not needed to be on the postcard.

250,000 Tickets

Giveaway Box aim to sell 250,000 tickets by the end of May in order to close the competition. Tickets cost between £1.50 and £1.80 each so the maximum revenue that can be generated is £450,000. Although ticket prices seem cheap you can actually only purchase them in bulk and the minimum is 5 entries for £10. Other options are 25 entries for £45, 50 entries for £85, 75 tickets for £120 and 100 tickets for £150. Interestingly when you use the dropdown box to purchase tickets the discounts don't seem to be applied so we expect that is sorted at checkout. As far as we're aware no charity donations are being made as part of the promotion. If all tickets aren't sold by the end of May then a 70% cash prize - based on total sales - will be awarded. We're not sure whether an extension would be implemented.

Our Verdict

Whilst it's exciting to see a new platform trying the raffle market in 2022 there are a few things to raise. Firstly it's a new platform with limited background. Raffique, FrogHopping etc have all struggled to get traction so it's going to be a tough battleground for Giveaway Box. Elite and McKinney were successful because they had a ready-made audience. This isn't the case here. Secondly it's an overseas property and they're really hard to convert to a house winner. At launch the pricing wasn't something that appealed because the minimum entry price was £45. The promoters have - after reading this review - have added options for 5 and 10 ticket purchases. This still means a £10 minimum cost but that's a lot more attractive than £45. Full marks also to the promoters for contacting us and updating the information.

Win A Holiday Villa In Didim Discussion

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Alternatives to Win A Holiday Villa In Didim
