Win A House In Cookstown Review Home Winner 

Bear Competitions are closing 2022 with another property prize draw. Enter today for the chance to win a 3 bedroom semi-detached home in Cookstown, Ulster or a £250,000 cash alternative. Tickets aren't cheap at £99.99 but there is an early bird discount available.
Win A House In Cookstown

Winner: Adam Suleman

Launched: 20th December 2022 End Date: 1st January 2023

Location: Cookstown, Ulster

House Value: £250,000 (3 Bedrooms)

Extras: £100,000 Cash

Ticket Price: £99.99 (Free Entry Available)

Tickets Sold: 5999 Tickets

Estimated Revenue: £599840.01

Cash Alternative: £250,000

Platform: Bear Competitions

Just when we thought that Omaze would be the platform to end Win A House Competitions in 2022 then up pops Bear Competitions. They've launched a last minute giveaway with a very short closing date. Perhaps they're hoping to attract Christmas Gift Buyers or people looking to spend any cash gifts on the chance of winning a house or cash alternative. The property on offer is located over in Gallion Glen, Cookstown, Northern Ireland. A quick search shows what we think is quite possibly the location. and a valuation of just under £190,000 (Stanley Best Estate Agents). A new house isn't a bad prize in itself but this one also comes with £100,000 cash too. However if you're not too keen in becoming an owner of a house in Northern Ireland, perhaps because you're based in England, Scotland or Wales then you could always choose a £250,000 cash alternative.

About The Property

The property is a semi-detached three bedroom house. It boasts a high-efficiency condensing gas boiler, a wood burning stove in the living room, fibre broadband, kitchen appliances, carpets throughout except for the living room which has laminate flooring. There are images of the property on site, but if you follow the link above then you'll find floor plans and even estate plans showing possible location of the home on the estate. We don't think that the property comes fully furnished but the £100,000 cash should more than help pay for that. Bear Competitions don't provide any details regarding running costs, local taxes or rental options. The house/cash alternative isn't the only prize on offer in this draw. Bear Competitions will also giveaway £25,000 as a second prize plus £10,000 as a third prize.

How To Enter

To enter the competition you need to first answer a multiple choice question. It's pretty easy as it's about what date does Boxing Day fall on. Given that two of the answers aren't in December we're pretty sure everyone will be able to get this one right without using Google. However if you do get the answer wrong then you're not told so just be careful. Once you've selected your answer you then can choose to purchase either one or two tickets. Purchases can be made using debit cards or Paypal. Once your order has been placed your ticket number(s) will be randomly allocated and will show on your order confirmation. You should receive an email notifying you of your ticket numbers.

5999 Tickets

Bear Competitions are hoping to sell a maximum of 5999 tickets (maximum revenue of £599,840) by the closing date of 10pm on the 1st January 2023. Tickets are on sale at £99.99 but for a few days they are selling at a reduced price of £79.99. A no purchase necessary route is available. You can enter the competition for free by sending your entry on an unenclosed handwritten postcard by first class post. Given that it's the festive period, possible delays with respect to The Royal Mail and how quickly these kind of draws can turn around then it's going to be tough to get a NPN entry in on time (in our opinion).

Our Verdict

Like McKinney and Bounty, Bear Competitions seem to have the formula for completing high ticket cost property prize draws. We expect that this one will easily sell enough tickets to conclude - perhaps even sell out before the start of 2023. In the time it's taken us to write this over 20 tickets have been sold (which in comparison is probably more generated revenue than the last two FrogHopping competitions combined). Whilst the actual property in this prize draw may not be as grand as those offered by Omaze, we suspect the additional cash or cash alternative will spark a little more interest.

Win A House In Cookstown Discussion

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Alternatives to Win A House In Cookstown
