Win A House In Kerry Review Cash Winner 

A three bedroom property in Kerry Ireland complete with unique artwork and a £20,000 cash sum is what's on offer in this win a house contest. You can enter by purchasing a ticket for £20. The raffle is hosted on Raffall so you know a guaranteed cash prize is available if all the tickets don't sell.
Win A House In Kerry

Winner: Carolyn Stone

Launched: 1st December 2021 End Date: 7th January 2022

Location: Kerry, Ireland

House Value: £350,000 (3 Bedrooms)

Extras: Artwork & £20,000

Ticket Price: £20.00 (Free Entry - See 5.6 in Terms)

Tickets Sold: 41 Tickets

Estimated Revenue: £820

Cash Alternative: 75% of ticket sales

Platform: Raffall

Ann Avel is offering you the chance to win a fully furnished three bedroom property in Kerry, Ireland. Where in Country Kerry is anyone's guess because this pretty important detail seems to have been omitted by the host. Whilst we understand why some hosts don't like to give their locations at street level not providing any information about the town or village the property is situated is not a great idea. It's not like County Kerry is a small part of Ireland either! Because we don't know locality it's hard to determine a valuation based on other properties for sale. Therefore as a basis only we've opted for an amount that represents 50% of the target revenue.

About The Property

Details about the property are equally lacking. We know it has three bedrooms and three bathrooms plus that it's full furnished. There are a few pictures and a video of the home on Raffall. The home also includes all the artwork painted by the host's mother. Apparently one day it "could be worth more than the house itself"! You can just about see the artwork on the walls but if it's a big feature of this prize then why aren't there better photos highlighting it? On a more positive point fees and stamp duty will be paid plus the winner will also receive £20,000 in cash.

How To Enter

To enter the raffle you need to be registered with Raffall. This can be done via Facebook or email login. Once at the house raffle page it's a case of answering a question and purchasing tickets. The question pops up in a window - for this particular competition you'll need to answer a multiple choice maths question. Tickets cost £20 each and there's no limit to the number you can purchase. You can purchase online using debit cards. A donation of 5% will be made to Pieta House, but do note this only applies if the property is won.

35,000 Ticket Sales

The promoter hopes to sell 35,000 tickets (total revenue £700,000) by the end of February 2022 in order to conclude the draw. If insufficient tickets are sold then the winners will receive a share of the compensation amounting to 75% of all ticket sales. All compensation payments are guaranteed and paid directly by Raffall Limited. This is a little bit different to house competitions run by individuals and should offer more assurance to entrants.

Our Verdict

The property on offer, judging by the images, looks OK but the competition just lacks any real detail. A whole paragraph is given over to explaining the artwork (how and why could this be valuable? Is the artist already known?) whilst there's next to nothing about the house. Let's not get started on the rookie error of omitting where the house is situated. At time of review we're told that just 22 tickets have been sold and this may well be down to lack of promotion but could also be down to lack of detail. Given that there's now 200+ house raffles to use as a template there's no need for such a poor listing. Raffall really should be helping hosts to create better competitions.

Win A House In Kerry Discussion

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