Win A Mediterranean Holiday Home Review Closed 

A two bedroom property in Marina d'Or, the City of Holidays, in Spain is the prize on offer in the third pay to enter prize draw from Cloverhut. For just £2 you could be enjoying this holiday home in a residential community. With every purchase you are supporting the work of Habitat for Humanity Great Britain
Win A Mediterranean Holiday Home

Launched: 17th October 2023 End Date: 8th April 2024

Location: Andalusia, Spain

House Value: £125,000 (2 Bedrooms)

Ticket Price: £2.00 (Free Entry Available)

Tickets Sold: Unknown

Platform: Cloverhut

Whilst platforms like Omaze, Raffle House and Tramway Path have been very active during 2023, Cloverhut who specialise in offering holiday homes in prizes have been pretty quiet. In fact we wondered whethe they were still active and what would become of their second house competition. As it happens it appears that they did indeed create a home winner (Margot T) and are pushing ahead with a third draw. In a recent email they announced the winner and also explained that they've appointed a British Director. It'll be interesting to see what this actually means in real terms and whether Cloverhut can genuinely develop into a "goto" platform for win a house prize draws. In an attempt to get to that point they've launched a third draw and this time are offering a two bedroom property in Marina d'Or (Costa Azahar), a coastal location north of Valencia and east of Madrid. It's located in Acapulco IV where prices start from €100,000. For the sake of this draw we've set the value to £125,000 to match the previous draw.

About The Property

According to Cloverhut the property has "two double bedrooms with fitted closets, two very spacious bathrooms, a living room with kitchenette and an amazing terrace of 28 square meters". We presume that it comes fully furnished but at time of writing there weren't many (actually read any) images of the actual property. Instead there are images of the pool and beach. However if you look at this for sale property that overlooks the pool shown at Cloverhut then you can get an idea of what we think is on offer. Other details that would be useful are things like community charges and potential rental income should a winner look to use it as a holiday let. Cloverhut do take care of the notary and management costs but we're not sure if flights to Spain to see/complete on the property are involved.

How To Enter

To enter the competition you need to register and purchase tickets. These start at £2 but you can get discounts for bulk buys (e.g. buy tickets get 1 free). When you get to the ticket purchase stage you'll be invited to join Cloverclub which gives you discounts on raffle tickets as well as chances to win other prizes such as a holiday. Note however that it is a subscription service so you'll be paying monthly for tickets etc. and it's not clear how much you'll be spending. There is a cancellation policy and details of Cloverclub are given in the terms. A free entry route is available but you must register and then send in your details via post. Full details are explained on the site. When we tried to register with Facebook (October 2023) that option wasn't available, presumbably because Cloverhut haven't updated their link with the social media platform.

How Many Tickets?

Details about ticket targets are also limited so we're assuming the same as for draw numebr two. Therefore the maximum tickets is again 800,000 (£1.6million total revenue assuming £2 per ticket). According to the terms, in order for the raffle to proceed "Cloverhut must have sold at least 35% of its total tickets to hold the draw on 30th May 2024". Therefore this would mean that they need to sell at least 280,000 tickets (£560,000 revenue assuming all tickets are sold at £2). If insufficient tickets are sold then the promoter states in the terms that they reserve the right to extend the prize draw. Cloverhut are supporting Habitat for Humanity Great Britain with their raffles and are donating 80% of net proceeds (so whatever is left after costs). The charity will receive a guaranteed minimum donation of £5000.

Our Verdict

We're surprised that Cloverhut are still in the property prize draw game especially with the way that the last draw just petered out. Aside from a couple of emails towards the end of the promotion there was a few months of radio silence. Hopefully the addition of a new British Director will help steer Cloverhut in a more positive direction. Like Omaze and Raffle House we suspect that Cloverhut will be aiming to build on their subscription service. This isn't a bad idea and we like that there are other prizes to be won (£1000 weekly, a travel prize bimonthly) however we do think that the site could benefit with a more clearer user pathway (similar to those offered by Omaze). As in previous draws we would like more detail about the property, things like community fees, options for rental etc. One final point is that compared to other platforms Cloverhut has a very long promo period. A few early bird incentives could help spark interest otherwise we suspect many will hold off purchasing tickets until nearer the closing date.

Update April 2024

Cloverhut have closed their site and links now redirect to Raffle House. There doesn't seem to be any information regarding any payments made to Cloverhut in leiu of their property prize draws, subscriptions etc.

Win A Mediterranean Holiday Home Discussion

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