Win A University Home In Limerick Review Cash Winner 

A three bedroom stylishly finished student home located close to the Kemmy Business School, Limerick, is the prize in this house prize draw. For just £4.50 you could become the owner of your own place in Ireland plus a Joyor Y6-S Scooter. The draw is being hosted on Raffall so a cash alternative can be won if not enough tickets are sold.
Win A University Home In Limerick

Winner: Ryan Lundquist

Launched: 1st May 2023 End Date: 31st October 2023

Location: Limerick

House Value: £200,000 (3 Bedrooms)

Ticket Price: £4.50 (Free Entry - See 5.6 in Terms)

Tickets Sold: Unknown

Cash Alternative: 75% of ticket sales

Platform: Raffall

Raffall has been very quiet with respect to property prizes and it's perhaps no surprise given that interest has dropped considerably. Whilst UK homeowners seem to have given up with the likes of Raffall, there's still the occasional prize that pops up from other locations. This time round it's a three bedroom property in Limerick. Whilst in the past Ireland based win a house prize draws did pretty well, even they are struggling to get past the finsihing post. According to the Raffall description the property is a few seconds walk from Kemmy Business School, and a few minute's walk from the wider Limerick University campus facilities. In terms of value we've estimated £200,000 based on similar properties in the area. If anything we think that is being pretty generous.

About The Property

Details about the house are actually quite limited. The owner has made a lot of effort to paint a picture with respect to location whilst overlooking notable details about the property. What we do know is that it has three bedrooms and also includes kitchen, gym, office and utility. There's also a pergola, tiki hut and custom art included. It's not clear whether the property will come furnished, whether there are any tenants, what the rental potential could be etc. The host has included a few pictures of the prize but we do think there needs to be a little bit more. Details with respect to legal costs, fees etc are not mentioned but we're assuming these will be covered by the host as it usually standard.

How To Enter

To enter the raffle you need to be registered with Raffall. This can be done via Facebook or email login. Once at the house raffle page it's a case of answering a question and purchasing tickets. The question pops up in a window - for this particular competition you'll need to answer an easy multiple choice question about the colour usually associated with the Emerald Isle. Tickets cost £4.50 and there's no limit to the number you can purchase. You can purchase online using debit cards. A charity donation will be made and 5% of the hosts revenue will go to Breast Cancer Ireland. Note that this depends on the property being sold.

Unlimited Ticket Sales

The host aims to sell at least 120,000 tickets (£540,000 total revenue). Tickets need to be sold by the end of October 2023 so there's quite a large window of opportunity to sell a few tickets. If insufficient tickets are sold then the winners will receive a share of the compensation amounting to 75% of all ticket sales. All compensation payments are guaranteed and paid directly by Raffall Limited. This is a little bit different to house competitions run by individuals and should offer more assurance to entrants.

Our Verdict

Twelve to eighteen months ago we'd have expected this prize draw to sell-out and create another home winner. Now we're not sure how it'll perform. The ticket price is quite attractive, especially when compared to the £10 costs for Omaze etc, but the ticket target we think is a bit too high, assuming the value of the property is in the region that we have estimated. However that does give the host some degree of flexibility should they achieve say 50% of ticket sales. In a more broader sense, Raffall really could do with a couple of successful property prize draws either at home or abroad otherwise it's going to struggle to re-establish itself as a property prize draw destination against other services.

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Alternatives to Win A University Home In Limerick
