Competitions News

This section pretty much covers anything and everything to do with comping. From on-pack promotions through to new sites, win a house giveaways and pay to enter prize draws. We also include a few tips and highlight issues that compers need to be aware of whilst entering online competitions.

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Be On TV

Channel 5 Fined Over Brainteaser Winners

Channel 5 have been fined an astonishing £300,000 for faking winners on the popular daily competition Brainteaser. Following the issues regarding Richard & Judy’s TV competitions, “Channel 5 informed Ofcom of five viewer competitions between

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Be On TV

GMTV Respond To Phone Competition Claims

Breakfast TV company GMTV have been quick to respond to claims that there phone in competitions have offered entrants no chance of winning. In a special announcement GMTV say they are “shocked” by the accusations

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