Prize Register Letters Go Localised!

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Prize Register Letters Go Localised!

This week compers have been receiving letters from a brand new localised Prize Register service. Stockport, Milton Keynes, Cardiff, Wigan, Birmingham, Manchester, Portsmouth, Wolverhampton, Stoke on Trent, Torquay, Sheffield and Carlisle are just some of the “lucky” UK areas who now have their own Prize Register. We’re also told there’s a Northern Ireland one too! The letter, though, is very familiar to experienced compers: You’re told you’ve won something from a list of prizes and to ring a premium rate telephone number to collect your prize or you can contact the UK Prize Register, PO Box 78, Ross-on-Wye, HR9 9ZU for a no purchase necessary entry.

The Unclaimed Prize Register

So why is it familiar? It’s because this it is fact are old friends at the Unclaimed Prize Register. These are also known as McIntyre & Dodd Marketing or The Prize Winners Club Or Purely Creative or Strike Lucky Games and all are owned by the same company DM PLC. If you’re wondering why you’re getting this kind of mail through the door then you can contact DM PLC for an explanation. Apparently, according to information they gave The Guardian, they’re happy to explain to you details of your previous competition entries with them on request.

Should You Enter?

So should you enter these competitions? We’d suggest binning it and shredding it. If it’s a letter from the Prize Register or a scratchcard in your newspaper – put them in the bin (or recycle them if you can to be environmentally friendly). There are better competitions to enter and they won’t cost you a penny. However, if you’re tempted to spend money on a premium call then it’s worth reading the reports from The Guardian and The Mirror, both of whom investigated these offers.

Many thanks to the compers who provided details and information!


Secret Yorkshire Competitions

Yesterday (15th June 2023) we received a message from a Loquax user who felt that they’d been potentially “scammed” because of a prize