The Magic FM Magic Voices competition has raised some interesting discussion, including a fascinating blog post from Adam Bowie, who we understand works for Virgin Radio. Adam provides an insight into radio competitions and highlights a couple of interesting rules that appears in the Magic FM terms and conditions including: You may only enter the Competition as an individual, any entries that, in our absolute discretion, have been made via participation in a syndicate will be disqualified.
Fake Names & PAYG Mobiles
Adam goes on to hypothesise why this rule may exist and from a comper’s perspective it’s well worth reading. There’s further interesting reading at Digital Spy where one poster reports that the radio station they worked at “had issues with members of organised competition rings entering comps. They gave fake names, bought pay as you go mobiles so they could use different numbers each time….”
Magic Voices Winner
Whilst searching Google for more information about the Magic Voices competition we discovered the winner was a Maria Crosskey from Maple Cross (Magics Mystery Voices)! Fortunately, it does seem radio stations are wising up to these various issues and that can only be a good thing for everyone who is interested in entering competitions.