Comping Tips

When it comes to offering hints and tips about comping we usually go for the obvious one – “enter competitions and prize draws” – as after all if you’re not in then you can’t win. After that it’s simply a case of you deciding how many or how few you wish to enter and what type of competitions you may prefer. Some folk like the do them all approach whilst others are more selective and target creative entries. Below are some blogs containing plenty of pearls of comping wisdom. For more you might wish to review our comping guide.

See Also: Compers In The News, Facebook Comping, Scams, On Pack Competitions, Creative Competitions, Advent Comping, Radio Station Comps

Trivia Apps

Apps Every Comper Needs To Download

When Loquax first started the only place you’d find an online prize draw or competition was on a website. Fast forward to 2024 and we’ve got Tiktok, X/Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pay To Enter and whole

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Low Entry Competitions

Targeting Low Entry Competitions

“I’m not winning”, “I never win” and “I never have much luck” are all phrases you hear in comping circles. If there are x thousand people entering competitions and y hundred available comps then it

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Whisky Santa

What Is #WhiskySanta All About?

Way back in the dim and distant past Haggis Hunt was usually the first indication that festive competitions and advent prizes were on their way. The competition involved staring at haggis-cams in the hope of

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Make Me A Winner

What Is Make Me A Winner?

If you regularly move in comping circles then you may well have seen the words “Make Me A Winner” mentioned once or twice. This tagline may well apply to every prize draw and competition that

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