Loquax Newsletter

Loquax regularly used to send out a newsletter to subscribers. At one point we were reaching over 125,000 inboxes. However GDPR and an ancient mailing system hit us hard and we had to start again. Unfortunately to comply with some partner terms we had to stop sending the relaunched version of the newsletter. Today we try and keep you all up to date with what’s happening at Loquax via a blog post or two.

Loquax Update May 2024

Loquax Update – May 2024

It’s only 6 weeks or so since our March 2025 update but that already feels a lifetime away. The last few weeks have been dominated by some Trustpilot fun courtesy of an upset pay to

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Loquax Update – March 2024

One minute it was January for a whole decade and then suddenly we’re heading towards Easter and April. This year seems to have been a whole string of themes including Veganuary, St Valentine’s, World Book

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Loquax Update – January 2024

Despite there being 3000 weeks in January we’ve left it to the very last moment in order to do the first Loquax Update of 2024. So belated Happy New Year to you all. It’s been

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Loquax Update

Loquax Update – December 2023

The advents are almost at an end and we’re just a couple of days from being able to eat all the festive food that’s in the fridge. It’s been a different advent season to most.

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Loquax Update

Loquax Update – November 2023

We don’t know about you but it feels like Loquax has been in it’s new home a lot longer than just two months. Hopefully by now everyone has settled in and are enjoying the new

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Loquax New Home

Loquax Update – September 2023

It’s not exactly been a quiet few months since our last update back in June! As you hopefully might of noticed by now things are a little bit different at Loquax. After several long months

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Loquax Newsletter – June 2023

It’s the start of a new month and being ultra-organised we’re actually getting out a monthly update too. By doing this we can use the post to highlight a couple of competitions we’ve spotted that

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Loquax Newsletter – April 2023

With so many bank holidays coming up we thought we’d better try and put out a bit of a Loquax update now otherwise it’ll not appear for another few weeks. After a flurry of Easter

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