Competition Scams

Comping and win a house competitions sadly aren’t perfect and does attract it’s fair share of cheating and scams. The best way to beat the scammers is let everyone know how they work and how to avoid them. In this section we highlight various issues and also share rulings from ASA (Advertising Standards Agency) when competitions are involved.

See Also: Pay To Enter Prize Draws, Facebook Comps, Win A House, Automated Entries

A Kind Of Comping News Update

We thought it was high time to do another blog update. There are a few things that we’ve spotted in and around the comping world and Loquax that deserve a mention, but perhaps don’t warrant

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It's A Scam

Are Online Competitions Rigged?

Last week an article appeared on Reddit titled “The Daily Telegraph rig their competitions to be won by friends/contributors”. In the article the author, telegraphpolygraph, outlined how they believe that prizes from a recent Men

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Are You A Prize Pig?

People who tend to enter a lot of competitions are often regarded as a “professional comper” – a media term that we think isn’t really appropriate to describe someone who just enjoys trying to win

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The Comping Blame Game

We stumbled on an interesting article yesterday by Sian Meades entitled The rise of the ‘extreme comper’. Sian is a blog editor and in her article she comments on how one winner received unpleasantness from

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