
People do actually win online competitions and occasionally we write a blog about them. Usually it’ll be for a quirky giveaway or if there’s an issue due to a mistake by a promoter. We also like to feature win a house winners – or lack of winners in some cases.

See Also: Running A Competition, Win A House News, Scams, Win A Car

Win Melling Manor

Marie Wins An £800K Country House

Back in February we told you about a brand new win a house competition. The prize was a six-bedroomed Melling Manor near Kirkby Lonsdale, valued at over £800,000 and the competition was the idea of

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The Loquax Sob Story Winners Are…

A while ago we offered you the chance to win a Flip Camcorder in our sob story competition. We had 221 entries (blog competitions and competitions that require effort just don’t attract big numbers do

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