
People do actually win online competitions and occasionally we write a blog about them. Usually it’ll be for a quirky giveaway or if there’s an issue due to a mistake by a promoter. We also like to feature win a house winners – or lack of winners in some cases.

See Also: Running A Competition, Win A House News, Scams, Win A Car

Win A Country Home Winner Announced

Congratulations to Win A Country Home for becoming the latest property competition to actually complete the process. On the 14th February the owners of Shrubbery Farm in Shropshire held a live draw and named Jemma

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Zavvi Mastercard Competition Error

Zavvi Score A Competition Own Goal

After two nights of thrilling football action that saw both Liverpool and Tottenham progress to The Champions League Final, Zavvi created even more thrills. Customers woke up on Thursday to discover that they too would

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Disneyland Paris

Late Responding Winner Complains To ASA have been warned by Advertising Standards following a recent prize draw where the winner lost the prize by responding too late to their winning email. Between the 19th September and 31st October 2018 entrants

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