Loquax On The Move – September Newsletter

Loquax Server Move

Loquax On The Move – September Newsletter

The big news of the month is that Loquax has finally moved home. At the start of September we – well mainly Kirsty – completed several months of work (mainly tidying up 20 years of code and databases) and relocated the site on a brand new server and service. So far all seems well – barring an email forum notification issue we’re trying to fix – and hopefully things also feel a little bit faster for you. Let us know if you have any issues? We are dealing with a glitch with some forum email notifications but hopefully this will be sorted asap. Now this news might not sound that exciting but it is important as it puts us on a better footing going forward and in these uncertain times that’s a big thing for us. This move also means we can now focus on making further improvements to Loquax and making the site even better for you.

Big Cash Prizes

One of the biggest prizes on offer at the moment is from ITV. They’re giving away a massive £500,000 in a prize draw that’s featured across their popular morning shows including Good Morning Britain and This Morning. Entry is via phone, SMS or post and it closes in October. Now £500K would make a nice prize and we’d not say “no thanks ITV” but do you think these competitions should aim to make more winners – say 10 x £50K? Check Loquax’s listings for more cash competitions! Looking through the prize directory today we were quite surprised to see that more competitions are offering holiday prizes! The French Alps, Mexico, Bali, Croatia and even Lapland are amongst the destinations. On one hand this is a good sign that promoters are starting to look forward beyond the current situation. It’d be fascinating to know the entry levels for holiday competitions over the last few months. Has covid changed your focus on prizes? Are you still entering to win holidays, tickets and days out?

Win Hotel Chocolat Biscuits

Don’t forget to enter our own prize draws. The prizes are as ever lots of fun and an eclectic mix of goodies. As usual there are six Loquax prize draws for you to enter and the prizes on offer are as follows:

  1. Name Disc Necklace
  2. Afternoon Tea Hamper
  3. Rainbow Cocktail Set
  4. Mini Jellyfish Tank
  5. Hotel Chocolat Biscuits
  6. Halloween Mug

One competition (in this instance the Name Disc Necklace) will close every Sunday and a new giveaway kicks off every Monday. Winners are announced on the forums and also on our social media pages. Well done to Yvonne W and Sarah L who are our most recent winners.

How To Win A House For Free

Our win a house competition section has also had a revamp. We’ve now added a tracking facility so that visitors can keep tabs on the various competitions that they’ve entered. Since our last email there’s been two further house winners, both on the Raffall platform, and we know that two other competitions are guaranteeing winners. It’s not all good news though with a further three promotions not reaching a successful conclusion and ticket sales on others being quite poor. We appreciate that many of our regular users aren’t too keen on paying to enter competitions. So what about a free entry to win a house? To make life easier we’ve not added a filter so that you can quickly see the house raffles that accept postal entries. These entries should be treated the same as any paid entry! If you do send in a postcard to enter one of these competitions please let us know – especially with respect to how your entry is treated.

Well Done Winners

We do love seeing users posting their wins on the forum and it’s lovely seeing winners also thanking those that have posted. Scanning through the recent posts there are some decent prizes including £400 supermarket vouchers, £750 deliveroo vouchers, shark vacuum cleaner, a year of Zoflora and a £1000 sound system. Do take a moment to look over the wins, give your congrats and hopefully take some inspiration for September. Finally thanks to everyone as always for being part of the Loquax Community. That includes all who visit us regularly, those that share competitions, everyone who interacts on the forums, people who comment on blogs/reviews and of course our mods. Good luck with your competitions this month and here’s to some great wins across the community.


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