Loquax Newsletter

Loquax regularly used to send out a newsletter to subscribers. At one point we were reaching over 125,000 inboxes. However GDPR and an ancient mailing system hit us hard and we had to start again. Unfortunately to comply with some partner terms we had to stop sending the relaunched version of the newsletter. Today we try and keep you all up to date with what’s happening at Loquax via a blog post or two.

Advent Competitions

Advent Competitions Coming Soon

Can you believe that advent season is almost upon us yet again? If you’re new to comping this time is when the number of daily competitions usually goes through the roof. It can get a

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Keep Calm And Carry On Comping

Our last newsletter went out in January and – wow – a lot has changed since then. We do hope you’re keeping safe during these strange times. Our forums are open for anyone and everyone

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Marmite Love Or Hate

Are You Marmites Biggest Hater?

Welcome to the latest Loquax Newsletter! First off a pat on the back for us as we remembered to actually write it before the month end. Again we’ve gone for a more ‘chatty’ style and

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Jacob Leeks Mogg Finishes Second

After a little bit of a summer break, we’re back with another exciting Loquax newsletter. As we did last time, and hopefully in the future, we’re going for a more newsy style email. If all

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Who Wins 100s Of Sweeps?

Who Wins 100s Of Sweepstakes?

Our newsletter is going to be a little bit different this month. We’re going to try and be a little less action and a bit more conversational. The thing is, if you receive our newsletter

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